As part of the requirements of the Honours in Psychology program, I am currently undertaking an empirical research project. I am working under the supervision of Dr Jeff Ward, a senior lecturer in the School of Psychology at the Australian National University. This study has been approved by the Human Ethics Committee at the Australian National University.
And I would love it if you could participate in my project!
ALL ARE WELCOME, as long as you are 18 years and over.
This study has been designed to investigate the way in which people understand the thoughts and feelings of others. If you would like more information in relation to the aims of this study, please contact me after you have completed the study.
This study will take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time to complete. You will be asked to read six short transcripts, and respond to a series of questionnaires.
If you would like to participate in this study, please proceed to the following web address:
Cheers, and thank you in advance if you decide to participate.