Baking and good causes: all ‘Canberra in Cake’ book proceeds will help PANDSI continue their amazing work.
Post and Ante Natal Depression Support Info (PANDSI) provide support, education, information and referral services for families in Canberra experiencing perinatal depression or anxiety. Postnatal Depression (PND) can affect up to 16% of women (and 10% of men) with the onset usually occurring during the first year after birth. Antenatal Depression (AND) affects as many as 10% of women with onset at any time during pregnancy. Below is a short video from the PANDSI website about how they help Canberra families cope with post and antenatal depression and anxiety.
To help raise money for this worthy cause, PANDSI is about to release its Canberra in Cake book containing all the best cakes from this years Cake-Off. ACT MLA Shane Rattenbury will open the event, Lish Fejer (ABC radio and PANDSI Cake Off MC) will launch the book, and we’ll have a ‘Giant Mushroom’ cake live auction and gold coin Instagram frame fun.
The Canberra in Cake book is a quality 70+ page, A4 landscape, full colour on 300gsm coated gloss stock, perfect bound with a gloss cello cover. The book launch will complete PANDSI’s PNDA (Post Natal Depression and Anxiety) Awareness Week. Thanks to Kerrie Brewer and Jennifer Minns, the images are stunning and Prepress has done an amazing job in designing and printing the book. Pamela Clark, PANDSI Patron and Women’s Weekly Food Editor has written the forward and we can’t wait for you to see it! The book will be launched at 10 am on Saturday 18 November at Belconnen markets.

The Canberra in Cake book and apron will be available from 20 November from The Green Shed Shop in Garama Place and Cockington Green Gardens. The Canberra in Cake book will be available from Southern Cross Club: Woden, Tuggeranong and Jamison from 18 November.
PANDSI would like to thank the Green Shed, Cockington Green Gardens and Southern Cross Club who are giving all funds raised directly to PANDSI.
If your business would like to stock the Canberra in Cake book and PANDSI Cake Off apron please email cakeoff@pandsi.org
So start your Christmas shopping by buying copies of the book and PANDSI Cake Off aprons. Every dollar raised will be going straight to PANDSI, and you can also become a fundraising star and support sales of the book. The PANDSI webpage has all of the details about the launch and Fundraising Stars: www.pandsi.org/cbrincake.html.
For more information please follow PANDSI on Facebook or Instagram. You can also follow prolific Canberra tweeter and PANDSI President Christine Spicer on twitter. There’s also an army of PANDSI volunteers, bakers, and supporters across Canberra and the local region. Buying this book helps their important efforts and local families.