4 September 2023

Probing the polls: Matildas legends and mobile phones in schools

| Genevieve Jacobs
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children using mobile phones

Do we need to ban mobiles during the school day? Photo: File.

It’s been a few weeks now since the Women’s World Cup gripped the nation, turning many a previously cynical sports viewer into a soccer tragic before the Matildas bowed out in the quarter-finals.

It was our best-ever finish in a football World Cup, male or female, but what will the lasting consequences be? Will all this national hysteria lead to renewed investment in sports played by women? And are women’s sports finally recognised for their excitement, not to mention their economic pulling power?

We asked Has the Matildas’ success finally put women’s sport on the map? A total of 508 readers responded and the results were surprisingly close.

Your choices were to vote No. It’s a blip like the America’s Cup and this will fade. This received 51 per cent of the total, or 259 votes.

Alternatively, you could choose Yes. Finally, the recognition that women’s sport deserves. This received 49 per cent of the total, or 249 votes.

This week, we’re wondering whether you think mobile phones should be banned from schools in the ACT?

READ ALSO ACT set to join other states in restricting mobile phone use in schools

The Territory government has four policy options on the table to deal with what has become a fraught issue across local schools. Options include a ban on mobile phones from the first to the last bell, where students would need to store their devices in a bag or locker and could not use them at all to putting devices away during class time, with options depending on whether students were in primary school, high school or college.

Fleur wrote: “Our school did it five years ago – the students (and parents) live to tell the story today”, and Anthony agreed, describing the first plan as an “excellent option”.

Christine questioned the premise: “Away during class is fine, although I wouldn’t have thought it required a specific rule. Surely teachers already have the authority to require students to put away anything not needed or appropriate for class?”

Our poll question this week is:

Should ACT schools ban all phone use during school hours?

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