Probably your last chance to see Saturn this year at the ANU and Canberra Astronomical Society’s August public viewing night this Friday from 7pm on Mt Stromlo.
The CAS amateur astronomers (including me) will be up there with telescopes ranging from 6″ to 16″.
The weather forecast has the showers clearing by the afternoon. If there is some cloud around it can still be worth coming up. The scopes can actually see brighter objects like Saturn right through moderate cloud, and there will be pro astronomers there giving talks even if it rains. The Scope Cafe will also be open for hot drinks and eats.
Last month I had about 500 people look through our scope at Saturn and they were all amazed at how clear the rings and moons were. We could even see colour banding on the planet and the divisions in the rings. “Oh my god it’s so clear – it looks like a sticker” was the very common response. We’ll have a new moon too this time.
Remember no white light torches and please keep your lights low up the top to preserve everyone’s night vision. It’s hard enough to see up there with the light pollution, without headlights too. And rug up the little ones.
See you there.