Let me say firstly I do not own a small business or know anyone who does but I am tired of seeing the big supermarket chains trying to destroy small business but lowering their prices for long periods to put them out of business. And then increasing their prices.
Case in point at the moment is Woolworths in Belconnen. A small shop selling fresh and cooked chicken openedover the last year or so. Competition seemed to go well, sometimes they were cheaper, more expensive or similar to WW but all seemed normal in the prcing swings and round-a-bouts. Until now. WW suddenly has fresh chicken on sale every week at a cheaper price. All the time. And $2.40 cheaper than what it is selling for at other WW stores.
Belconnen has already lost the fruit and veg shop, I am hoping this retailer wont go the same way.
Support competition – Support your local (non supermarket) stores.