4 July 2024

Reserves open again as culling component of 2024 kangaroo management program ends

| Claire Fenwicke
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Paddock of kangaroos

The culling component of the Territory’s kangaroo management program has ended for another year. Photo: ACT Government.

A total of 1232 kangaroos have been removed across seven of Canberra’s reserves as part of the culling component of this year’s Eastern Grey Kangaroo Management Program.

This number takes into account adult kangaroos as well as young-at-foot, and is less than the cull target of 1336.

Breaking down the numbers, 575 independent males were removed along with 657 independent females.

Pouch young are not included in the cull targets, but 438 were euthanised as part of the program.

The reserves were slated to be closed at night between 9 June and 1 August, but that deadline has been brought forward.

The ACT’s Conservator of Flora and Fauna Bren Burkevics thanked everyone for their cooperation during the closure.

“Managing kangaroos is an important part of a diverse land management program that helps protect, conserve and enhance the ACT’s parks and reserves across the ACT,” he said.

“Work to protect and enhance the ACT’s parks and reserves will continue at pace through controlling weeds, removing invasive animals and restoring areas of high conservation value.”

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The end of the culling aspect of the program means the Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, Gungaderra Grasslands, Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve, Mt Majura Nature Reserve, Mulanggari Grasslands, Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve and Red Hill Nature Reserve are now open again without restrictions.

Fertility control activities through the GonaCon immunocontraceptive vaccine will continue at selected sites as part of the program.

The vaccine has been given to 53 females at Mulanggari and 14 females at Mulligans Flat to date.

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6'5" Blue Eyes 20039:12 am 07 Jul 24

So culling native Roos in the suburbs is fine, but there’s no “open season” for hunters to humanly hunt and cultivate the meat of the tens of thousands of pest deer in Namadgi? Pest deer which are destroying the habitat of native animals.

what scientific outcomes were achieved in 15 years of killing kangaroos?

A CSIRO Plants Industries study in 2014 which examined kangaroo impacts on the ACT’s urban reserves, areas where kangaroos were present were found to have healthier ground level vegetation with higher levels of vegetation diversity (Vivian, Godfree 2014).

Having walked through the reserves that have had kangaroos killed on its very clear the ACT government is eradicating them.

The reserves are in a state of disrepair.

Maybe slow down at night then they won’t be a problem ya think

This is absolutely appalling, rain death and destruction on our native animals, why not focus on camels water buffalo and feral pigs? They cause more damage than animals native that have been here for millennia and are suitable to roam our lands, soft feet don’t dig up the ground and destroy water ways, worst news out I really hope the idiots that planned and condones this slaughter are sanctioned and sacked

Those ACT people whom you insult, Reg James, have already reduced the populations of those non-natives. And in other parts of the ACT they pioneered cutting edge methods for controlling feral goats, feral pigs, and deer species. For example, Namadgi has run one of the best feral pig programs in the world, for decades, according to independent research. A more recent example is their thermal-assisted heli-shooting, evaluated in its first year in this research paper here https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/emr.12569 . There have been media releases giving statistics from subsequent years. They show declining numbers shot with similar search effort.

And if you can be bothered to dig deep into the kangaroos part of the web page http://www.environment.act.gov before writing your next comment about these ‘idiots’ ‘who should be sanctioned and sacked’ you will eventually find about 5 to 10 published research papers showing that reducing kangaroos is now necessary in urban reserves, to protect habitat of various grassland fauna, like striped legless lizards. That is partly why the program has huge community support especially from community groups like the Herpetological Society, Field Naturalists, Parkcare Groups, etc. ‘Now’ because the top predators, i.e. dingoes, and also aboriginal hunting, were both ended in these areas by white-man hunting, which itself was ended after WW2. The program has been reviewed several times. For example, look for RiotACT coverage about the latest and most detailed review, by Prof Sarah Legge, this year or late last year I think. But easier to find is this 2021 analysis https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/emr.12443

Can’t say I’ve noticed many wild camels or water buffalo around Canberra. Not sure about wild pigs but I’m happy for them to be shot too. We can try to control only the pests we have.

I take it from your rationale that you fully support culling of feral horses in alpine areas. Would you like to confirm that?

It still leaves me wondering why you are so extraordinarily selective about the native species you wish to preserve. Have you no idea of the significance of grasses, insects, lizards, small mammals, birds and other dependent grazers and predators to the ecosystem? No-one is proposing to exterminate kangaroos so what is your point?

How many camels and water buffalo are in the ACT?

People do concentrate on camels, buffalo and pigs. Pretending otherwise is a lie.

Satan Herself6:49 am 06 Jul 24

Weirdly the greens continue to sign off on this cull which is using flawed research to determine the numbers. Knows this will end with a change of government…

Please, explain to us how the research is flawed. Start with letting us know what your research credentials are.

Good to hear. Theyre a nuisance to farmers and drivers.

Maybe slow down at night then they won’t be a problem ya think

Julie Lindner3:26 pm 05 Jul 24

Gosh they must have run out of kangaroos to slaughter. Shooting kangaroos takes precedence over removal of invasive weeds. Such poor management and total neglect of flora and fauna in the endangered grassy woodlands they are supposedly trying to protect.

‘run out of kangaroos’ eh Julie Lidner? And ‘total neglect’? Since the culling began about a decade and a half ago, every year we have been told by protestors like you, that it will drive kangaroos extinct, and that no kangaroos are left in one or other of the reserves. And most years also that culled areas have been turned into housing. Now you add the suggestion that the huge amount of weed control carried out by parkcare volunteers, contractors, and Parks and Cons staff, does not happen. And all the other work done in these areas. For every one of these ‘stories’ you should hide your faces in embarrassment. But you are shameless.

Harley Quinn2:41 pm 05 Jul 24

Absolutely sickening practice. Horrific animal abuse

Compared to what? Maybe to you stroking a pet cat, Harley Quin? But no it is not, not in reality. There are scientific ways of looking at animal suffering. The process of using night vision and thermal cameras to approach kangaroos in the dark then shoot them in the head with bullets travelling much faster than sound does not involve as much suffering as most other things done with wildlife, even including the shooting of foxes, cats, pigs, deer, goats, etc, which also can be done to meet normal expectations about humaneness.

Because of your comment I suspect you neither have studied animal welfare, nor actually care. I suspect you are attempting to use animal welfare as a way of attacking the cull, because you object to it on some other grounds, e.g. because you would rather see ‘non-sentient’ reptiles and plants go extinct than ‘sentient’ kangaroos culled. But you dont actually know enough about animal welfare and kangaroo culling to be credible.

Satan Herself6:49 am 06 Jul 24

Why not, Ken? Got any facts to back up your statement?

Yes. Head shooting a kangaroo is not animal abuse. They don’t even know it happened. That’s a fact backed by the RSPCA.

Do you have any facts to the contrary? Or are you just another activist who thinks feelings matter?

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