There’s been quite a bit of local hoo haa over conditions at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (aka the prison).
Inmates have been protesting on the rooftop (of the proudly human rights compliant facility) that they’re being locked in cells for 20 hours a day due to understaffing of the facility (which doesn’t sound very human rights compliant).
In today’s Canberra Times the Corrections Minister Simon Corbell is twisting in the wind having denied the prisoners claims, only for his staff to have to admit some truth to them.
Simon also says the prisoners are acting inappropriately.
Convicted felons acting inappropriately? Oh my giddy aunt, who would have thought such a thing possible?
UPDATE The Liberal’s Jeremy Hanson is trying to call in an audit of the shambolic prison and has pulled all his talking points together:
“Simon Corbell has form in blatantly misleading the public. The prison has been plagued by incidents from the sham opening to the loss of sensitive security equipment, breeches of security resulting in drugs and contraband being smuggled inside staff shortages, breaches in internet security and now prisoners protesting on the roof.
“ACT taxpayer’s are paying approximately $500 a day per prisoner which is significantly more than the $263 a day when prisoners were sent to NSW and almost twice what was promised by the Government. There are also serious questions to be asked as to whether the facility is ‘human rights’ compliant as was promised.
FURTHER UPDATE: In a worrying move for Simon, the Greens are supporting Colonel Hanson’s enquiry push.