15 January 2025

Special Envoy calls for urgent National Cabinet meeting in wake of rising antisemitic attacks

| Chris Johnson
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woman speaking at lectern

Special Envoy for Antisemitism Jillian Segal says hate crime against Jewish people is a national crisis. Photo: UNSW Sydney.

Anthony Albanese is under pressure to convene a National Cabinet meeting on antisemitism, over the rising number of hate attacks on Jewish people and buildings.

The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Antisemitism Jillian Segal has called for the highest levels of all governments around the country to address the issue as a matter of urgency.

The call comes in the wake of recent attacks on synagogues in Sydney and Melbourne, cars being vandalised with anti-Jewish graffiti, and a rise in hate abuse against individuals.

Mr Albanese has met with Ms Segal, two state government leaders, and Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw this week, but Ms Segal says that’s just a ”very good first step”.

She said wider, coordinated national attention must be directed towards the crisis.

“I think it needs to continue, and obviously at some stage to broaden with the other premiers, because we are seeing concerns in other states,” Ms Segal said.

“[The attacks] are not just pieces of graffiti damaging a building and being assessed on that basis.

“They are designed to send a message of fear into the community.

“The law does provide that there is this aggravated hate crime overlay on top of a normal sentence, but we need to make sure that the judiciary, including judges and magistrates, understand that and understand that this is stoking fear and concern amongst a portion of the community.

“If we don’t stop it, we are really undermining democracy.”

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The PM wouldn’t commit to a National Cabinet meeting over the issue when asked by journalists on Wednesday (15 January), but said his government was taking antisemitism seriously.

“I actually spoke with Jillian Segal yesterday a couple of times. We convened a meeting yesterday with myself, the Premier of Victoria, the Acting Premier of NSW and the AFP Commissioner to coordinate activity,” Mr Albanese said.

“We have Operation Avalite that is in place. What I want is to ensure that any act of antisemitism, that it stops. That it stops.

“And I want people who are responsible for these acts to be prosecuted fully because they are crimes and people should be held to account with the full force of the law.”

Special Operation Avalite was set up late last year to respond to rising incidents of antisemitism threats and attacks across the country.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton also wants a National Cabinet called and said the Australian Government should be “very, very supportive” of the Israeli Government.

He blames the rise in antisemitism in Australia on Mr Albanese.

“… the Prime Minister and the dereliction of his leadership has led to the level of antisemitism, which is up by 700 per cent over the course of the last couple of years,” Mr Dutton said.

“I think we should remind ourselves that that is an important relationship. We should seek to nurture and grow it.

“As I’ve said, one of my first calls after the election will be to the Prime Minister of Israel and it will be a priority for our government to mend that relationship quickly because it’s in our national interest to do so.”

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Foreign Minister Penny Wong was asked on ABC Radio about the need for a National Cabinet meeting on antisemitism.

Without agreeing that such a meeting should be convened, the Minister said Australia’s response to hate crimes against Jewish people should be unequivocal.

“I think Jillian Segal is absolutely right to make the point that this is not just an issue for the Jewish community, this is an attack on all of us and this is an attack on who we are,” Senator Wong said.

“This sort of prejudice and hateful actions and criminal behaviour we are seeing is an attack on Australia. It’s an attack on Australian values.

“This requires, as she said, discussions between governments and it was very pleasing yesterday we saw the Prime Minister engaging with the two premiers of the two states where we have seen the most egregious action.”

Jewish federal Labor MP Josh Burns said calling a National Cabinet meeting over the issue made sense and was a move he would welcome.

Ms Segal was appointed in July last year as Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia, as part of the Federal Government’s efforts to preserve social cohesion in Australia.

The role was created as tensions grew in Australia over the conflict in the Middle East, which the Prime Minister said had deeply affected communities across the country.

In October, he also appointed public servant and academic Aftab Malik as the Special Envoy to Combat Islamophobia in Australia.

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Both sides love to hate. They deserve each other. I don’t know how anyone could take either side in this mess. The joy on Gazans faces after the massacre and kidnapping of Israeli’s including children and women was revolting. They certainly aren’t real smart otherwise they would have known what was coming. It’s a little hard to think they didn’t bring on themselves. As for the response, Israel has no self control. I’m sure inflicting this madness made some of them think that the massacre was a godsend. I wouldn’t bring either of these two groups to be citizens here. There’s enough hate already.

That uncle Albo makes me laugh; sets up a hand-picked special envoy to advise him and then ignores the advice.

He has to be one of the poorest choices for PM that we’ve ever seen (yes even worse than Scomo who was also a complelete spud).

Bring on the election, lets spin the chocolate wheel once more.

Margaret Freemantle5:02 pm 16 Jan 25

People feel strongly about Israel’s’ activities ‘ in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen. Surely no one is surprised.

Lillian Segal another serial windbag.

Stop bombing children & civilians & the anti semitism attacks will stop.

Stop killing civilians attending a music concert

I’m going to need to stop posting on this site seeing some of the stuff that gets through.

“bombing children & civilians”…is wrong, as is taking civilians hostage…as is antisemitism.

There are no civilians in a country with mandatory military service.

William Teach9:49 am 17 Jan 25

If you apply Israel’s and America’s interpretation of the rules of war, and don’t recognise the state of Israel (as Hamas don’t) then most of their actions were justified, which does rather suggest that they need revision (even before you consider how they apply to Taiwan).

You’d also think that Israeli propaganda would realise that saying they want to reconquer Samaria, an ancient kingdom founded primarily because of their rejection of Judaism and rule from Jerusalem, might not be a good look when compared to the world’s reaction to Russia’s or China’s considerably less ancient claims to lost territory. It’s especially ridiculous when anyone who’d take that ancient pseudo-religious nonsense seriously would know that it is nonsense.

William Teach9:53 am 17 Jan 25

Especially not when reservists and police, whether or not they’re active, and anyone who lives in the same building as them or who attends places where they congregate, is also classified as a legitimate target. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

“There are no civilians in a country with mandatory military service.”

Of course, there are, people who have left the military are civilians, even by your standards, this is a silly thing to say, Ken.

It really isn’t when you understand the point I’m making, Seano. You being oblivious is nothing new though.

Israel constantly justifies their bombing of childrens hospitals and refugee camps with “There was definitely a terrorist there! Trust us bro! That makes all those kids legitimate targets too!”, therefore, by their own rules, anywhere any potential IDF member might be is also a legitimate target. Like the festival they attacked that was full of active duty IDF.

Or are you also cool with their double standards?

Your point is nonsensical, it makes no difference how snidely you put it. A civilian is a civilian.

You changing the argument to something else nonsense is classic Ken. Silly.

So, you are fine applying double standards and giving israel an eternal get out of jail free card. Got it.

No, I’m not. Your inability to engage with any argument in good faith has let you down again.

I merely pointed out that two wrongs don’t make a right. If you had attempted to engage with the point rationally you might have realised that.

Your comment about civilians not being civilians if a country has national service was of course puerile nonsense.

Capital Retro6:25 pm 17 Jan 25

Really Ken M? The following countries do:

South Korea
Government: Unitary state, Presidential system, Constitutional republic

Government: Presidential system, Federal republic, Constitutional republic

Government: Parliamentary system, Parliamentary republic

Government: Direct democracy, Federal republic, Directorial system

Government: Semi-presidential system

Government: Federal republic, Constitutional republic, Semi-presidential system

Government: Unitary parliamentary republic

Government: Federation, Federal republic, Parliamentary republic, Semi-presidential system

Government: Parliamentary system, Unitary state, Representative democracy …

Government: Republic, Unitary state, Presidential system

Government: Theocracy, Islamic republic, Unitary state, Parliamentary system …

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Government: Unitary state, Constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary system

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Yes, you are. Earning good goy points. LOL

The biggest barrier that Jewish people in Australia face is this government. Albanese and especially Wong have been card carrying anti-Semites. Neither is able to discuss anti-Semitism without mentioning islamphobia which demonstrates how one-eyed they are on the issue. And neither have raised a finger to stop the awful protests we’ve seen from the Opera House to synagogues in Woollahra for the past 15 months.

This is defamatory nonsense.

Maybe stop hiding behind “anti-semitism” when you are criticised for bombing childrens hospitals and refugee camps.

Ken – feel free to push one sided views, but this article is about the Australian experience. Until now there’s never been a time in Australia where Jewish people have been so publicly threatened – there’s so many examples. It’s certainly not who we are as Australians and i suspect 95% of us are appalled by the behaviour of a small vocal minority.

Perhaps we need better education in schools of both the history of the region, not just from 1948 but for 2,000 years. I suspect many of those rallying against Jewish people are ignorant of that history.

Maybe reflect on their own subversive behaviour.

If you think going back a couple of thousand years or more is important, the Assyrians would like a word.

Your comment, while valid, applies equally to the attitude of many Australians (just look around RiotACT) towards those who follow the Islamic faith.

It’s the hard liners, on both sides, who bring grief to those just going about their business – and who happen to attend a certain type of house of worship.

William Teach10:14 am 17 Jan 25

If you fly the flag of a foreign government, if your organisations take money or support from them, then you can’t separate yourself from that association when it suits you. Not all Jewish organisations have such ties (eg the JCA is quite proud of such separation), but the ECAJ has.

Capital Retro10:17 am 16 Jan 25

Both Albanese and Wong are beholden to the Free Palestine dogma since their university days and deradicalisation doesn’t work.

Albanese wouldn’t give her the time of day. She can forget about his support

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