10 August 2012

The Klan show their true colours

| johnboy
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beejay76 has been kind enough to send in the latest leafletting by the Concerned Citizens of Canberra (aka The Klan).

It’s nice to see that spurious objections to parking restrictions have now been replaced by “OH MY GERD THEY’LL KILL US IN OUR SLEEP”.

It’s hard to say though, are they objecting to just the one mosque to serve the spiritual needs of existing Australian residents and Citizens? Or are they now demanding we expel Australian Citizens in sectarian conflict?

I know who scares me more.

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Eyeball In A Quart Jar Of Snot7:04 pm 12 Aug 12

Henry is ignorant of the fact, or has conveniently forgotten, that the modern Middle East was a creation resulting from the European takeover of the region following the demise of the Ottoman Empire.

Hey people have been finding reasons to beat each other since the dawn of time be it power, wealth, land, politics or religion. Religion has it’s good and bad points, just like everything else in life. But sometime we do need a set of “rules” to live by. To quote one of the “great philosophers” of our time:

The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.
Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd4:36 pm 12 Aug 12

HenryBG said :

Spiral said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Haha never seen someone defend the crusades before.

Not trying to defend the crusades. A horrid time when one bunch of psycho nutters fought another bunch of psycho nutters and slaughtered a lot of innocent people.

It is just that so often the Crusades are blamed for being the cause for Islamic/Christian bad feeling

So many people don’t know or just ignore that they were just a symptom of a conflict that had already been running for centuries.

A conflict that really was started by Islam.

The irony being that the lefties who criticise the crusades ignore the fact that it was Islam that was invading, subjugating and colonising the middle-east at the time.

The crusades, by the standards of the day, were a very fine enterprise. Trying to save communities in the middle east from invasion and destruction at the hands of a bunch of nutters from Arabia was a good thing.

The nutters’ hero, Saladin, spent years running away from Richard Lionheart as he was too scared to meet him in battle. It was only bad luck that the French king was a pathetic little self-serving worm and the Germans not much better – if they had backed the Angevin, then we might have had all of North Africa, Egypt, and half the middle-east spared from Islamic conquest, and become part of the rich western civilisation that the rest of Europe enjoys.

The rest of Europe?

Haha, all of Europe is a utopia?

Spiral said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Haha never seen someone defend the crusades before.

Not trying to defend the crusades. A horrid time when one bunch of psycho nutters fought another bunch of psycho nutters and slaughtered a lot of innocent people.

It is just that so often the Crusades are blamed for being the cause for Islamic/Christian bad feeling

So many people don’t know or just ignore that they were just a symptom of a conflict that had already been running for centuries.

A conflict that really was started by Islam.

The irony being that the lefties who criticise the crusades ignore the fact that it was Islam that was invading, subjugating and colonising the middle-east at the time.

The crusades, by the standards of the day, were a very fine enterprise. Trying to save communities in the middle east from invasion and destruction at the hands of a bunch of nutters from Arabia was a good thing.

The nutters’ hero, Saladin, spent years running away from Richard Lionheart as he was too scared to meet him in battle. It was only bad luck that the French king was a pathetic little self-serving worm and the Germans not much better – if they had backed the Angevin, then we might have had all of North Africa, Egypt, and half the middle-east spared from Islamic conquest, and become part of the rich western civilisation that the rest of Europe enjoys.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd12:24 pm 12 Aug 12

harvyk1 said :

I’d like to list out the total combined affect that every muslim I know has had on my life…

– They’d take longer lunch breaks on Fridays, it once meant that a few of us sat out in the car for 20 minutes before we all went and got lunch.
– I’d have to remember to ask the take away store to hold the bacon on an egg and bacon roll when I was buying breakfast for a group of friends
– I’d need to remember to include an OJ when buying a round of beers

As you can see, it been a major impact on my life, and this religion of hate needs to be destroyed, how dare my friend asks for an OJ instead of a beer.

As for these threads, it’s nice to see the nutbags out there identifying themselves. All the RA needs now is a “this is a nutbag, ignore all tripe spoken from this person” button.


I’d like to list out the total combined affect that every muslim I know has had on my life…

– They’d take longer lunch breaks on Fridays, it once meant that a few of us sat out in the car for 20 minutes before we all went and got lunch.
– I’d have to remember to ask the take away store to hold the bacon on an egg and bacon roll when I was buying breakfast for a group of friends
– I’d need to remember to include an OJ when buying a round of beers

As you can see, it been a major impact on my life, and this religion of hate needs to be destroyed, how dare my friend asks for an OJ instead of a beer.

As for these threads, it’s nice to see the nutbags out there identifying themselves. All the RA needs now is a “this is a nutbag, ignore all tripe spoken from this person” button.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Haha never seen someone defend the crusades before.

Not trying to defend the crusades. A horrid time when one bunch of psycho nutters fought another bunch of psycho nutters and slaughtered a lot of innocent people.

It is just that so often the Crusades are blamed for being the cause for Islamic/Christian bad feeling

So many people don’t know or just ignore that they were just a symptom of a conflict that had already been running for centuries.

A conflict that really was started by Islam.

Yes, I’m having trouble with editing quotes.

The irony is that when these incompatible religion(s) impose their values on us, it’s you lefties that did so much to facilitate them that will suffer the most: criminals will have their hands chopped off, feminists and homosexuals will be whipped, and prostitutes executed with machine guns. Bravo.

I applaud this erudite expos? of the true nature of the leftie membership – criminals, homosexuals, feminists and prostitutes. If this is true, why aren’t they advertising? It would perform miracles (see Bible) for the ALP’s current membership drive. Imagine the fundraising dinners, the new lines of designer Party wear. No more chook raffles. Think auctions for illegal imports of fake fashion items, prime Columbian coke, Cuban cigars, endangered species?..

bitzermaloney said :

johnboy said :

[/quote At the end of the day, if you call yourself a Christian, you need to accept the whole of the Bible, and can’t pick and choose what you like. .

I can’t say I agree with this. The Bible, like the Koran, is full of contradictions. The smitiness of the OT vs the hippie love messages of JC, the early Muhammad tolerating the unbelievers vs the later M getting in touch with his inner smiter.

History is full of people who choose to be guided by their favourite bits of the bible, refusing to trim the corners of their beards and burning the villages of evildoers who grew two types of grain in the same field or had a preference for zebra burgers (unclean, unclean). If it was true that to be a believer one had to accept and follow the entirety of The Book, people would be utterly paralyzed, caught up in an endless ‘Love them. No, stone them’ loop.

Are the followers of Islam any different?

We never discuss the cultural contexts of the various brands of Islam, the desert and mountain tribal antecedents, the regional cultures that endorse female circumcision and honour killings and valorise violence as a manly quality because the all too likely prospect of those bastards from the other side of the valley coming for our goats requires that we have some much-loved killers among us to keep us safe. The breeding grounds for militant Islam produce similar cultural attributes in the non-Muslim religions as well. Honour killings are a good example.

Personally, if I was a Christian, I’d stick with the Book of Revelations. Now there’s a shining example of bad advertising. None of makes any real sense at all, so you can plunder it for mystical justification for anything. The Whore of Babylon made me write this post.

Thanks for giving ‘smite’ a whole new dimension, JB. I’m feeling more than a little smitey myself.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:45 am 11 Aug 12

Spiral said :

Why is it that many people like to point to the Crusades and blame them for ill feeling between Christianity and Islam, yet seemingly ignore that Christian kingdoms in what is now Spain were conquered by Islamic forces about 300 years before the first crusade?

Or that large chunks of the Christian Byzantium Empire had already fallen to Islamic armies and that Egypt was Christian before it was Islamic?

The causes for the Crusades are many and complex. However without a doubt one of the causes was because Islamic rulers had began to persecute Christians and destroy Christian holy sites such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which was destroyed nearly 90 years before the First Crusade.

Yes the Crusades were nasty and barbaric, however they were not an unprovoked attack by Chriustianity on Islam. Islam had been attacking Christianity for centuries before the Crusades.

Haha never seen someone defend the crusades before.

And lol @ whoever said that the bible is a historical writing.

Why is it that many people like to point to the Crusades and blame them for ill feeling between Christianity and Islam, yet seemingly ignore that Christian kingdoms in what is now Spain were conquered by Islamic forces about 300 years before the first crusade?

Or that large chunks of the Christian Byzantium Empire had already fallen to Islamic armies and that Egypt was Christian before it was Islamic?

The causes for the Crusades are many and complex. However without a doubt one of the causes was because Islamic rulers had began to persecute Christians and destroy Christian holy sites such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which was destroyed nearly 90 years before the First Crusade.

Yes the Crusades were nasty and barbaric, however they were not an unprovoked attack by Chriustianity on Islam. Islam had been attacking Christianity for centuries before the Crusades.

Baggy said :

My problem with the diehard atheists is that they too are fervent as fundamentalists in their belief that there is no such thing as a god.

Me, I’d suggest there isn’t, but give me empirical evidence one way or another. Until then, I’ll chuckle at the irony of atheism.

It’s the vibe…

Masquara said :

Regrettably, the UK experience has been that mosques can be hotbeds of dangeous Islamic radicalism, and more than one “moderate” mullah has been found to be preaching jihad when overseas. Let’s not pretend otherwise.
That said, a suburban mosque in north Canberra run by bona fide moderates should be welcomed by all.

really? can you provide some evidence? how many mosques are there in the UK and what percentage of them are “hotbeds of dangerous islamic radicalism” and what exhaustive investigation and research is this conclusion based on?

yes, there are nutters in every religion. major newsflash, that is…

I think it was christians who helped create the present day muslim religions and belief systems through their little “crusades” into the “Holy Land”. Those christians “educated” the muslims well about intolerance and religious hatred. Interesting that hundreds of years have past us by and still the hatred continues.

As for the thought that to be a christian you have to believe literally in the bible. That’s just silly.

It’s obviously a collection of stories based on oral storytelling tradition (and you do know how to play the game of chinese whispers and what happens to stories retold over and over again?). It was written by people who didn’t even know the moon revolved around the earth or the earth around the sun. They were simple and superstitious and they were pushing a “cause”.

Personally, I like to believe in the stories of a jewish guy called Jesus who I think was the world’s first communist. After all he encouraged people to share all their possessions and criticised his own church for making a profit from religion. It’s most likely the reason the rich priests at the time had him killed.

As for churches, mosques, temples, yadda, yadda, yadda – they are for simple people who have little or no faith in themselves who need the comfort of group thought to feel safe.

Regrettably, the UK experience has been that mosques can be hotbeds of dangeous Islamic radicalism, and more than one “moderate” mullah has been found to be preaching jihad when overseas. Let’s not pretend otherwise.
That said, a suburban mosque in north Canberra run by bona fide moderates should be welcomed by all.

why are the “concerned citizens of canberra” based in nsw publishing a document dated 2009?

not impressed with the concerned citizens of canberra, but falsely attributing this kind of bile to them isn’t right.

My problem with the diehard atheists is that they too are fervent as fundamentalists in their belief that there is no such thing as a god.

Me, I’d suggest there isn’t, but give me empirical evidence one way or another. Until then, I’ll chuckle at the irony of atheism.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Oh god, not this again.

Apart from Christianity, what religions have had ‘reformations’?

We can safely cross Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahai, Rastafari and Wicca off the list, as they’ve never had ‘reformations’.

So which religions are you talking about?

most of those religions you have mentioned do not advocate killling non-believers.

‘most’ … lol

which ones do?


colourful sydney racing identity3:32 pm 10 Aug 12

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Oh god, not this again.

Apart from Christianity, what religions have had ‘reformations’?

We can safely cross Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahai, Rastafari and Wicca off the list, as they’ve never had ‘reformations’.

So which religions are you talking about?

most of those religions you have mentioned do not advocate killling non-believers.

‘most’ … lol

which ones do?

Jim Jones said :

HenryBG said :

obamabinladen said :

Religion is basically a set of rules to live a good honest existence by. Over time due to the human nature of corruption, religion has been corrupted and is what it is today another way to scam money out well meaning people.

I think it’s important to face up to the fact that in our modern society, some religions have been tamed through hundreds of years of conflict, and some religions have not. The latter religion(s) are not compatible with our society and should be banned as Hate-Organisations, which they are.

The irony is that when these incompatible religion(s) impose their values on us, it’s you lefties that did so much to facilitate them that will suffer the most: criminals will have their hands chopped off, feminists and homosexuals will be whipped, and prostitutes executed with machine guns. Bravo.

You’re obviously a concern citizen of Canberra.

Certainly a concerning citizen of Canberra.

colourful sydney racing identity3:27 pm 10 Aug 12

Mysteryman said :

Hey is this the thread where atheists can come and mouth off about their vast understanding of the flaws of things they don’t agree with, based solely on anecdotal evidence and what they’ve read on the internet and characterised by a complete lack of understanding? And where they can claim that the spewing of their own bigotry and hatred is the defence of truth and justice?

Nothing quite like a good, old fashioned Internet Atheist Brigade™ self-gratification.

Not at all, it is the thread where people advocate fighting to the death over which imaginary friend is the best.

HenryBG said :

obamabinladen said :

Religion is basically a set of rules to live a good honest existence by. Over time due to the human nature of corruption, religion has been corrupted and is what it is today another way to scam money out well meaning people.

I think it’s important to face up to the fact that in our modern society, some religions have been tamed through hundreds of years of conflict, and some religions have not. The latter religion(s) are not compatible with our society and should be banned as Hate-Organisations, which they are.

The irony is that when these incompatible religion(s) impose their values on us, it’s you lefties that did so much to facilitate them that will suffer the most: criminals will have their hands chopped off, feminists and homosexuals will be whipped, and prostitutes executed with machine guns. Bravo.

You’re obviously a concern citizen of Canberra.

Mysteryman said :

Hey is this the thread where atheists can come and mouth off about their vast understanding of the flaws of things they don’t agree with, based solely on anecdotal evidence and what they’ve read on the internet and characterised by a complete lack of understanding? And where they can claim that the spewing of their own bigotry and hatred is the defence of truth and justice?

Nothing quite like a good, old fashioned Internet Atheist Brigade™ self-gratification.

Love it when the Christians demonstrate just how loving and caring they are.

Shouldn’t you be in another thread advocating for children to be tried as adults in court, or telling poor people that they’re selfish or something?

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Oh god, not this again.

Apart from Christianity, what religions have had ‘reformations’?

We can safely cross Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahai, Rastafari and Wicca off the list, as they’ve never had ‘reformations’.

So which religions are you talking about?

most of those religions you have mentioned do not advocate killling non-believers.

‘most’ … lol

Mysteryman said :

…based solely on anecdotal evidence and what they’ve read on the internet and characterised by a complete lack of understanding? And where they can claim that the spewing of their own bigotry and hatred is the defence of truth and justice?

No, you’re thinking of that thread the Pope sometimes posts on, you know, Captain Whats his face.

I’ve never been so proud to be a Pastafarian.

ToastFliesRED2:27 pm 10 Aug 12

“they took our jerbs” or was it that they took Steve Jobs, ok maybe not but seriously I think this group should be charged with plaigiarism, I am sure I read almost exactly the same thing when I read Mein Kampf back at Uni (for a sociology unit) with only the religion changed

obamabinladen said :

Religion is basically a set of rules to live a good honest existence by. Over time due to the human nature of corruption, religion has been corrupted and is what it is today another way to scam money out well meaning people.

I think it’s important to face up to the fact that in our modern society, some religions have been tamed through hundreds of years of conflict, and some religions have not. The latter religion(s) are not compatible with our society and should be banned as Hate-Organisations, which they are.

The irony is that when these incompatible religion(s) impose their values on us, it’s you lefties that did so much to facilitate them that will suffer the most: criminals will have their hands chopped off, feminists and homosexuals will be whipped, and prostitutes executed with machine guns. Bravo.

There are certainly some issues regarding certain aspects of Islam that seem to be suppressed by far-left extremists. I’ve travelled all over the world and I know through my own experience that Islam in western societies is very different to Islam in its native environment. A lot of aspects of Islam are incompatible with western society and there is certainly a dissonance between Islam and western society. There is certainly racial bigotry, but at the same time, there are genuine reasonable concerns about Islam in the west. Do these naive extreme-lefties even have any idea of the Islamic concept of Dhimmi, or are they just naively idealistic and misguided.

obamabinladen said :

If there are catholic and christian churches then who cares if there’s a mosque. But seriously people need to wake up and realise religion is nothing more than a money scam! Majority of people have the sheep mentality. When will the majority of people wake up and realise if there is a god/creator, we as humans have no perception, no idea who or what “god” is and no evidence “god” even exists.

Religion is basically a set of rules to live a good honest existence by. Over time due to the human nature of corruption, religion has been corrupted and is what it is today another way to scam money out well meaning people.

Good honest existence? Serious? This comes back to the ridiculous notion that religion is the root of our morals? Have you read the 10 Commandments? I think only 3 of the 10 are actually laws, the first 5 are all about the selfish worshipping –actually idolising– of God and nothing to do with moral and ethics. There is a lot of evidence out there to suggest that humans have a predisposition to being good for the betterment of community and race survival, nothing more, nothing less.

colourful sydney racing identity2:00 pm 10 Aug 12

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Oh god, not this again.

Apart from Christianity, what religions have had ‘reformations’?

We can safely cross Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahai, Rastafari and Wicca off the list, as they’ve never had ‘reformations’.

So which religions are you talking about?

most of those religions you have mentioned do not advocate killling non-believers.

Hey is this the thread where atheists can come and mouth off about their vast understanding of the flaws of things they don’t agree with, based solely on anecdotal evidence and what they’ve read on the internet and characterised by a complete lack of understanding? And where they can claim that the spewing of their own bigotry and hatred is the defence of truth and justice?

Nothing quite like a good, old fashioned Internet Atheist Brigade™ self-gratification.

obamabinladen1:15 pm 10 Aug 12

obamabinladen said :

If there are catholic and christian churches then who cares if there’s a mosque.

People need to wake up and realise religion is nothing more than a money scam! Majority of people have a sheep mentality. When will the majority of people wake up and realise if there is a god/creator, we as humans have no perception, no idea who or what “god” is and no evidence “god” even exists.

Why would you prey to and worship something that you can’t see, can’t understand, can’t comprehend and can’t be sure if it even exists?

Religion is basically a set of rules to live a good honest existence by. Over time due to the human nature, religion has been corrupted and is what it is today, just another way to scam money out of well meaning people.

They’re not theologians, but they make a good point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RV46fsmx6E

obamabinladen1:03 pm 10 Aug 12

If there are catholic and christian churches then who cares if there’s a mosque. But seriously people need to wake up and realise religion is nothing more than a money scam! Majority of people have the sheep mentality. When will the majority of people wake up and realise if there is a god/creator, we as humans have no perception, no idea who or what “god” is and no evidence “god” even exists.

Religion is basically a set of rules to live a good honest existence by. Over time due to the human nature of corruption, religion has been corrupted and is what it is today another way to scam money out well meaning people.

Ozhair said :

Flossie said :

… a restaurant with good pasta for followers of the flying spaghetti monster. Equal opportunity delusion.

Flossie, that’s brilliant. A pasta restaurant called Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so that it also has tax-exempt status 🙂 Who wants to go into business… I mean, religion…?

😀 I’ve been touched by His Noodley Appendage! I think it’s our duty!

Jim Jones said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Oh god, not this again.

Apart from Christianity, what religions have had ‘reformations’?

We can safely cross Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahai, Rastafari and Wicca off the list, as they’ve never had ‘reformations’.

So which religions are you talking about?

First Presleytarian Church of St Elvis the Divine?

Gungahlin Al12:32 pm 10 Aug 12

I think it’s good that they’ve gone and put out this latest. Because now people can see their earlier letterboxing effort for what it really was – pure dog-whistle politics. Much better to have the bigotry behind it exposed for all to see and judge.

Worth a look at David Pope’s observation yesterday.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

johnboy said :

Most christians would run a mile from large swathes of the bible too.

which is probably why the book should be binned.

No, I think the Gospels hold up pretty well.

I agree that the Old Testament is a tad smitey. But I see that as the back story.

Gumby said :

Jim Jones said :

Gumby said :

If we judge these people for judging others are we any different to them?

Yes. It’s the nature of the judgment rather than the fact of judgment that’s in question.

By what measuring stick do we measure the nature of this judgment?

Spreading bigotry, fear and hatred = bad

Opposing bigotry, fear and = good

johnboy said :

Samson was a murdering psychopath before we got caught up with delilah.

His so-called psychopathic tendencies seemed to be focused on killing Philistines – a sworn enemy of Israel at the time. After one of his killing sprees (in response to being tied up and held prisoner, and afterwards Israel seemed to be relatively free of Philistine interference), he ruled Israel as a judge for 20 years, with no record of further slayings/murders/psychopathic episodes/acts of rebellion or revenge (choose your own preferred term). This was possibly because the Philistines decided to leave Israel alone while Samson was there. Then he threw it all away for Delilah.

That’s thing thing with the Bible – it includes the good and the bad. Just because something is in the Bible doesn’t mean you should do it.

Jim Jones said :

Gumby said :

If we judge these people for judging others are we any different to them?

Yes. It’s the nature of the judgment rather than the fact of judgment that’s in question.

By what measuring stick do we measure the nature of this judgment?

johnboy said :

deuteronomy, leviticus, the back end of genesis, let’s face it samson was a psychopath, and Paul’s got no better claim to know the mind of jesus than you or I.

Actually, not quite accurate: Sampson was an idiot more than a psychopath (using the social rules of the day), who engaged in some savage revenge after being tortured. He is a bit of a role model of what not to do, especially for boys who meet a pretty girls who are really working for the enemy. Paul probably can claim to know Jesus’ mind better than any of us because he was Jewish, he quite possibly saw or heard Jesus (just from the size of Jerusalem and Jesus’ efforts in annoying Pharisees), and he became good mates with people who did know Jesus. I don’t think anyone alive today can claim any of that.

Samson was a murdering psychopath before we got caught up with delilah.

Gumby said :

If we judge these people for judging others are we any different to them?

Yes. It’s the nature of the judgment rather than the fact of judgment that’s in question.

If we judge these people for judging others are we any different to them?

bitzermaloney11:43 am 10 Aug 12

johnboy said :

deuteronomy, leviticus, the back end of genesis, let’s face it samson was a psychopath, and Paul’s got no better claim to know the mind of jesus than you or I.

That’s the point…. not to detail how good eveyone is… in fact everyone mentioned is the opposite. Even King David had an affair, got the lady pregnant then to cover it up brought her hubby home from war. He refused to visit her while his men were at battle, so he gave orders from him to be in the front line and killed.

The Law books, Genesis, Exodus (the one with the 10 commandments), Leviticus, Numbers, Deutronomy all detail the how to be right with God (from a Jewish perspective). The stuff Paul writes about is no different, except detailed in light of Jesus.

At the end of the day, if you call yourself a Christian, you need to accept the whole of the Bible, and can’t pick and choose what you like. The same goes for Muslims and the Koran, Jew and the Torah, Hindus and the Shruti, Buddhists and the Buddhavacana.

What isn’t said and sadly seems to be demonstrated by almost all ideologies, is “What right does a person have to impose their beliefs on others?”

I guess that’s really the root of the opposition to the Mosque in Gunghalin, chaplins in Schools, prayer at the start of parliament, the crusaides, [insert any religious/ideology based war here].

bitzermaloney said :

the majority of it is historical.

As a historical record it doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny either.

bitzermaloney11:14 am 10 Aug 12

johnboy said :

Most christians would run a mile from large swathes of the bible too.

Which bits?

Given that it’s an historical record and the nation of Israel, and according to Christians the “Devine Word” of God, it’s hard to reject. You either accept all of it or non of it. You can’t have it both ways.

The big difference of the Bible v the Koran, the Koran is all “Revelation” or prophesy, where the Bible has multiple forms of literature (including prohesy), but the majority of it is historical.

deuteronomy, leviticus, the back end of genesis, let’s face it samson was a psychopath, and Paul’s got no better claim to know the mind of jesus than you or I.

At least it’ll be easier to get a cab in Gungahlin.

“It’s nice to see that spurious objections to parking restrictions have now been replaced by “OH MY GERD THEY’LL KILL US IN OUR SLEEP”.”

And good to see this doc has a date of 2009 – well before the mosque DA – and is from interstate too.
So, you can safely say the original ruse of ‘parking and noise issues’ etc has now been uncovered as just that.
Well, as least their true colours are out in the open now…

Flossie said :

… a restaurant with good pasta for followers of the flying spaghetti monster. Equal opportunity delusion.

Flossie, that’s brilliant. A pasta restaurant called Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so that it also has tax-exempt status 🙂 Who wants to go into business… I mean, religion…?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:35 am 10 Aug 12

LOLOLOLOL holy poo. if you cant be bothered or are to disgusted to read this racist crap, at least read the thing about muslim intimidations. its incredibly funny in a bad way. its like its written by a 8 year old.


colourful sydney racing identity10:28 am 10 Aug 12

johnboy said :

There’s a reason they called the second bit the “new testament”. Shame they let that bastard Paul in later.

there was no concept of hell until sweet Jesus, meek and mild, came along to the scene. At least in the old testament, when you were dead you were dead.

colourful sydney racing identity10:18 am 10 Aug 12

johnboy said :

Most christians would run a mile from large swathes of the bible too.

which is probably why the book should be binned.

There’s a reason they called the second bit the “new testament”. Shame they let that bastard Paul in later.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Interesting point. The most visible parts of it seem rooted in mediaeval times.

Discussion of many things are stifled currently by accusations of racism, or bigotry. It makes it very difficult, and, results in the loons going underground and festering away from the light.

colourful sydney racing identity said :

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

Oh god, not this again.

Apart from Christianity, what religions have had ‘reformations’?

We can safely cross Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahai, Rastafari and Wicca off the list, as they’ve never had ‘reformations’.

So which religions are you talking about?

colourful sydney racing identity10:08 am 10 Aug 12

c_c said :

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

Neither would I, I think all religions have some particularly vile teachings, but, for mine, the biggest problem with Islam is that it has not been through a ‘reformation’

colourful sydney racing identity said :

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

And there in lies the problem, all religion relies on interpretation. There are no ‘problems with Islam’ as such, but problems with how the teachings and so on have been interpreted over time, and which parts people chose to follow and which they don’t, just as with Christianity.

What people seem to forget is a lot of high profile clerics, even some labelled as terrorists by various authorities, said that 9/11 was contrary to the accepted interpretation of Islam. Some though said it was compliant.

I wouldn’t describe it as a ‘religion of peace,’ but I wouldn’t describe any religion as that. But then I also wouldn’t tar all in a group with the one brush.

colourful sydney racing identity9:39 am 10 Aug 12

There are a lot of problems with Islam that should be able to be discussed.

It is a shame that bigots make it impossible to discuss these problems without being accused of said bigotry.

For example I consider myself on the left of the political spectrum, I also hold the view that burquas should not be worn. If I espouse that view there is an assumption that it has something to do with prejudice, when it is infact I hold that view because I am opposed to prejudice – the prejudice against women that is prevelant in Islam.

And anyone thinking that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ would be well served to actually read the Qu’ran.

Most christians would run a mile from large swathes of the bible too.

Because Christianity has never been responsible for murder, violence, misogyny or anything bad.

Believe what you want, worship where you want with like minded folk, but don’t claim moral superiority of your preferred space pixie over any other space pixie. If we can have a Christian church then we can have a mosque, a temple, a restaurant with good pasta for followers of the flying spaghetti monster. Equal opportunity delusion.

And no doubt some people will swallow this tripe, come in sucker…

You can’t take an article that starts off describing Islam as diametrically opposed to “our peaceful way of life” seriously. If the crusades, colonialism and two world wars don’t disprove our way of life being inherently peaceful, more recent events in the world sure do, not to mention just looking couple of miles away from the Capitol in Washington DC where the murder and gun crime rates are some of the highest in America. And for every quote in the bible that speaks of putting people to death for everything from homosexuality to working on the Sabbath, I can serve up a Quranic verse saying how evil intolerance and war is.

Us and them mentality is just silly and causes more problem than it solves.

HenryBG’s been a busy little boy, hasn’t he?

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