Well this is the week for all you pyromaniacs and backyard pyrotechnicians (I’m both) to stock-up on fireworks. In addition to the usual outlets in Fyschwick, it appears that every man and his dog wants to get into the fireworks frenzy this week. I notice Magnet Mart and the carwash in Gungahlin are also selling them. If you’re like me you’ll buy so many that you’ll have a good enough stash to use as your heart desires during the other 51 weeks of the year.
This is also the week where many NSW relatives I never hear from for the rest of the year come to my house unannounced, and ask me to get in the car and buy fireworks for them. So apart from all the ruptured ear drums, burns, and terrified pets, it is warming to know that families are reunited by these little packages of explosives.
You can also be guaranteed that the Canberra Times will be filled with letters over the next couple of weeks, with the usual suspects screeching and howling about the perils of fireworks. Summernats is the only other event that whips the cardigan wearers into such frenzy.