A young lady I know just showed me an internet post which said: I voted Liberal because I could not afford a design degree. Well might you ask, what is this all about. It’s about preferential treatment and the contrast for poor uni students.
It appears Tony’s daughter got a $60,000 scholarship largely because of who her family was connected to. No doubt she was a worthy recipient but what competition for that one occurred? Rumour has it that it was she was the first Whitehouse scholarship awarded. Mmmmmm.
Had I known of this opportunity I would have let a boat load of girls I know to apply. What chances of competing with Mr Abbott’s daughter once the people giving out the scholarships knew she was Tony’s daughter?
It is all too easy to screw the cash strapped uni student to the wall when you can get a friend to fund your kid’s degree.
Wish I’d thought of this when I was an MLA.