*sigh* and she was doing so well…
The Liberals’ Vicki Dunne has unveiled her ideas for improving taxi services.
De-regulate the market and let the consumers decide what sort of taxi service they want and are willing to pay for?
No, not a bit of it. Instead she wants to keep the current rigid monopoly but throw more fiddly regulation on top in the form of peak hour taxi licences.
“Mrs Dunne said that the solution was simply not more taxis.
“If we had enough ordinary taxis to meet peak demand, they would be idle for most of the time and no-one would be able to earn a decent living from their investment.
“The Government needs to be much more flexible with the regulation of taxis and introduce a new class of taxi that can only operate at peak times.”
So, let me get this right. The operators of the peak demand taxis can somehow make a living with their cars idle most of the time but the owners of the Uber-Taxi licences cannot?
The problem at the moment is that keeping the cost of a regular taxi licence high (for revenue purposes) appears to be the driving factor of both Liberal and Labor policy.
Essentially crappy taxis are an unusual tax on the people of Canberra (and visitors).