12 November 2013

Want to see a truck driver act like a jerk?

| Barcham
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Rioter Rik D sent us in this:

People get frustrated when cars do this, let alone a semi-trailer. I like how he indicates at the very end.

if you missed the plate on the trailer, it was: W10632


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not a semi but a truck and dog. You try to drive one. You should be aware of you’re surroundings and drive with care.

Um, what the truck did was fine. Why the hell are you intent on overtaking a long, large truck, going into a roundabout?

We need a vaccine for MGIF (Must Get In Front) syndrome, clearly…


Holden Caulfield11:56 am 14 Nov 13

tim_c said :

If the Police wanted to fine drivers for straddling lanes in roundabouts, they could start with the drivers in their cars who seem to require both lanes to negotiate roundabouts for which I know you only need one lane to get an oversized coach through….

I don’t get it, how is anyone supposed to nail the racing line without “straddling lanes”?

Robertson said :

The road-rules are jam-packed full of references to the fact that trucks often need to straddle lanes to make a turn. Pissy little roundabouts that are too tight for articulated vehicles are a prime example for where this comes into play. There is no way a copper will even consider trying to book the driver of a large vehicle that straddles lanes through one of these tight little roundabouts we have here.

If the Police wanted to fine drivers for straddling lanes in roundabouts, they could start with the drivers in their cars who seem to require both lanes to negotiate roundabouts for which I know you only need one lane to get an oversized coach through…. and then there are these tight little roundabouts on major arterial roads – what makes you think the truck driver should be able keep his truck and trailer in one lane if most of the people in their little cars can’t (or aren’t expected to)?

dph said :

Robertson said :

dph said :

tim_c said :

EvanJames said :

I dont try to overtake semis on roudabouts for this reason. Technically, I think they CAN keep to their lane, but it’s much easier for them to take it straight. And no one wins a fight with a truck.

It depends on the roundabout – most drivers don’t seem able to get their car through those ridiculous little roundabouts in the video (near Brindabella Park) without using both lanes.

Probably because they’re driving too fast & couldn’t give a toss about other motorists like the truck driver in the video.

Trucks are under no obligation to use lanes through a roundabout. At what point will Canberra’s under-educated motorists start to comprehend this very basic fact of life.

Except that’s not a fact & you’re completely wrong.

Read the road rules.

The road-rules are jam-packed full of references to the fact that trucks often need to straddle lanes to make a turn. Pissy little roundabouts that are too tight for articulated vehicles are a prime example for where this comes into play. There is no way a copper will even consider trying to book the driver of a large vehicle that straddles lanes through one of these tight little roundabouts we have here.

Robertson said :

dph said :

tim_c said :

EvanJames said :

I dont try to overtake semis on roudabouts for this reason. Technically, I think they CAN keep to their lane, but it’s much easier for them to take it straight. And no one wins a fight with a truck.

It depends on the roundabout – most drivers don’t seem able to get their car through those ridiculous little roundabouts in the video (near Brindabella Park) without using both lanes.

Probably because they’re driving too fast & couldn’t give a toss about other motorists like the truck driver in the video.

Trucks are under no obligation to use lanes through a roundabout. At what point will Canberra’s under-educated motorists start to comprehend this very basic fact of life.

Except that’s not a fact & you’re completely wrong.

Read the road rules.

dph said :

tim_c said :

EvanJames said :

I dont try to overtake semis on roudabouts for this reason. Technically, I think they CAN keep to their lane, but it’s much easier for them to take it straight. And no one wins a fight with a truck.

It depends on the roundabout – most drivers don’t seem able to get their car through those ridiculous little roundabouts in the video (near Brindabella Park) without using both lanes.

Probably because they’re driving too fast & couldn’t give a toss about other motorists like the truck driver in the video.

Trucks are under no obligation to use lanes through a roundabout. At what point will Canberra’s under-educated motorists start to comprehend this very basic fact of life.

BimboGeek said :

I’ve always wondered why they put in 2 lane roundabouts on this one lane road. Seems like it just encourages using the roundabout as an impromptu overtaking lane, something lots of people attempt.

Probably to allow people going to the business park to do their left turn in without holding up the people going straight too much. I think the airport designed the road upgrades from the Pialligo intersection to the side of the business park.

tim_c said :

EvanJames said :

I dont try to overtake semis on roudabouts for this reason. Technically, I think they CAN keep to their lane, but it’s much easier for them to take it straight. And no one wins a fight with a truck.

It depends on the roundabout – most drivers don’t seem able to get their car through those ridiculous little roundabouts in the video (near Brindabella Park) without using both lanes.

Probably because they’re driving too fast & couldn’t give a toss about other motorists like the truck driver in the video.

EvanJames said :

I dont try to overtake semis on roudabouts for this reason. Technically, I think they CAN keep to their lane, but it’s much easier for them to take it straight. And no one wins a fight with a truck.

It depends on the roundabout – most drivers don’t seem able to get their car through those ridiculous little roundabouts in the video (near Brindabella Park) without using both lanes.

* Those large red and orange signs on the back of the truck – they’re there for a reason, and they say “DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE”
* Additionally, at a FORM ONE LANE, the vehicle behind must give way to the vehicle in front – the front of the truck is clearly ahead of your vehicle.
* Finally, I’m really surprised that you expected a truck and trailer to use only one lane in those ridiculous little roundabouts near Brindabella Park – most people in their cars seem to need both lanes to negotiate those roundabouts.

TheBusDriver said :

Grail said :

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

To Grail, and Rik-D I have a better video for you. One which I think explains Rik-D’s intention with this whole thread;

Arghhh Rick rolled!!!

Grail said :

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

Ha, the only facts in that is that Volvo trucks have a collsion avoidance system and that truck was doing 60km/h before it activated.

There is absolutely nothing about the braking efficiency under load, fade, wet conditions, ABS application or stopping distanced as required by the ADRs apliccable to brakes.

Incidentally, there are three braking ADRs for cars, trucks (or heavy vehicles) and motorcycles because their inherant designs are completely different and they are expected to behave differently.

But when it all comes down to it, it doesnt matter how efficient the brakes are; they are still limited by the force of grip between the contact patch of the tyres and the road. This grip factor is always overrun by the kintetic energy of the mass of the vehicle.

TheBusDriver10:39 am 13 Nov 13

Grail said :

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

To Grail, and Rik-D I have a better video for you. One which I think explains Rik-D’s intention with this whole thread;

Holden Caulfield10:13 am 13 Nov 13

Grail said :

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

Or not. Looks to me like Volvo trucks stop more effectively than their cars.

TheBusDriver10:13 am 13 Nov 13

Grail said :

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

I like this video better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6TRqjjnO58
It beats that unloaded Volvo.

So Rik-D what’s your number plate you brave hero?

Grail said :

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

I hope you don’t drive a car. That is the stupidest retort ever, for so many reasons.

Grail said :

KB1971 said :

Rigid Truck and Dog Trailer:


These are recognizable as a dog trailer as there is a set of axles at the front & rear with the front having a pivot point for turning

Rigid Truck and Pig Trailer:


The pig trailer has the axles in the centre of the load space.

The distinction in handling being that a “dog trailer” will follow you faithfully (like a dog) while the pig trailer …

Hahahaha yes indeed.

dph said :

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

And you need to read the bits about “do not overtake turning vehicle” and “do not overtake on roundabouts” and “don’t overtake in the last few metres of a merging lane”.

Rik D is in the wrong here, he tried to overtake a truck on a roundabout. The truck driver shut him out at the next one, so Rik D got his knickers in a knot and wants us to think it’s the truck driver being the idiot?

Don’t overtake on roundabouts, Rik D. Don’t overtake trucks at the end of a merging lane.

In general, just learn to be a little more patient. If you arrive late, it’s because you left late.

KB1971 said :

Rigid Truck and Dog Trailer:


These are recognizable as a dog trailer as there is a set of axles at the front & rear with the front having a pivot point for turning

Rigid Truck and Pig Trailer:


The pig trailer has the axles in the centre of the load space.

The distinction in handling being that a “dog trailer” will follow you faithfully (like a dog) while the pig trailer …

Solidarity said :

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

Volvo Collision Warning with Emergency Braking. The facts disagree with you.

Eaglehawk said :

dph said :

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

A roundabout requires you to move the steering wheel left and right. Those yellow and red signs on the trucks gives them the right to go through the roundabout without having to stay within the lanes. The purpose of those signs is to allow the truck to use multiple lanes to go through an intersection (in this case, a roundabout) without having to follow the normal lines.

I’m not defending, I’m showing you how not to get killed. But it’s your right to get crushed, just don’t take anyone else in the car or the general public.

3/4 of your post is totally incorrect. Read my previous post. Steering your vehicle or changing lanes does not constitute a left or right hand turn. With your illogical argument, trucks negotiating any bend in the road could use all lanes of the road.. and kill everyone coming in the opposite direction or the other lane.

But, yes you are correct. Being in the right isn’t going to help you if you’re dead. It does pay to give trucks some cautionary respect.

Thanks, I think I knew what a road train is – I have driven in the Outback. They tend to have large animals stuck to their bullbars. Sometimes a small car and motorbike or two too.

A bullbar on a road train is correctly named. A bull bar on a car or 4wd is suffering delusions of grandeur.


caf said :

Rawhide Kid Part3 said :

Zeital said :

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

Do you know how much time and room these trucks need to stop like you say????

If any vehicle can’t stop where it’s required to give way then it’s travelling too fast, full stop. Failing to give way to traffic already on the roundabout is no different to failing to give way at a T-intersection with a Give Way sign. No-one’s allowed to just steam through in front of traffic there either, no matter how much room they need to stop.

You can’t tell from the video how much visibility the truck driver had. He may have been able to see clearly that there was no other at or appproaching the intersection. It’s probably a bit aggro on the part of the truckie, but better than explaining to the plod how that pesky motorist clagged up the back wheels.

KB1971 said :

IrishPete said :

Pork Hunt said :

I’m amazed by the number of people who don’t know the difference between a truck & dog, semi and a b-double.

Could you explain please? I’ve tried and failed to find understandable definitions.

I think it was a B-double that frightened by yesterday, when s/he did an amazing 180 degree turning manouevre off Canberra Avenue eastbound into the street that OfficeWorks is on – somewhat faster than I was comfortable with as I sat at the junction that he would have toppled over onto. It was only a curtain-sided truck and trailer I think, so with luck the curtains would have saved me.


B double:


Single trailer Semi:


Rigid Truck and Dog Trailer:


These are recognizable as a dog trailer as there is a set of axles at the front & rear with the front having a pivot point for turning

Rigid Truck and Pig Trailer:


The pig trailer has the axles in the centre of the load space

Road train:


Hopefully you wont come across one of these on Northbourne Ave…….

Thanks for that KB, saved me the trouble.

IrishPete said :

Pork Hunt said :

I’m amazed by the number of people who don’t know the difference between a truck & dog, semi and a b-double.

Could you explain please? I’ve tried and failed to find understandable definitions.

I think it was a B-double that frightened by yesterday, when s/he did an amazing 180 degree turning manouevre off Canberra Avenue eastbound into the street that OfficeWorks is on – somewhat faster than I was comfortable with as I sat at the junction that he would have toppled over onto. It was only a curtain-sided truck and trailer I think, so with luck the curtains would have saved me.


B double:


Single trailer Semi:


Rigid Truck and Dog Trailer:


These are recognizable as a dog trailer as there is a set of axles at the front & rear with the front having a pivot point for turning

Rigid Truck and Pig Trailer:


The pig trailer has the axles in the centre of the load space

Road train:


Hopefully you wont come across one of these on Northbourne Ave…….

melon1234 said :

KB1971 – gymkhana 6 was released today.

Yah, seen it already…..bit of a let down……I like that one better & thought it was on topic 😛

IrishPete said :

Pork Hunt said :

I’m amazed by the number of people who don’t know the difference between a truck & dog, semi and a b-double.

Could you explain please? I’ve tried and failed to find understandable definitions.

https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/usingroads/heavyvehicles/newtruckowner/truckownerfaq/Pages/FAQ.aspx is what I found. It even has pictures.

I believe B-doubles are very restricted where they can go in cities.

Rawhide Kid Part3 said :

Zeital said :

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

Do you know how much time and room these trucks need to stop like you say????

If any vehicle can’t stop where it’s required to give way then it’s travelling too fast, full stop. Failing to give way to traffic already on the roundabout is no different to failing to give way at a T-intersection with a Give Way sign. No-one’s allowed to just steam through in front of traffic there either, no matter how much room they need to stop.

Pork Hunt said :

I’m amazed by the number of people who don’t know the difference between a truck & dog, semi and a b-double.

Could you explain please? I’ve tried and failed to find understandable definitions.

I think it was a B-double that frightened by yesterday, when s/he did an amazing 180 degree turning manouevre off Canberra Avenue eastbound into the street that OfficeWorks is on – somewhat faster than I was comfortable with as I sat at the junction that he would have toppled over onto. It was only a curtain-sided truck and trailer I think, so with luck the curtains would have saved me.


Just to be clear: I think the roundabout design is the stupidest bit of all.

Rik D probably has bogan fingers on this occasion, for taking such a risk, BUT… I’ve always wondered why they put in 2 lane roundabouts on this one lane road. Seems like it just encourages using the roundabout as an impromptu overtaking lane, something lots of people attempt. Rik D is actually driving in a way that is generally safe around Canberra, overtaking where he gets the chance and where it’s expected by the other locals. There’s a custom that if someone scoots past on the roundabout you let them merge in front. Not exactly legal, just one of those quirky habits that arises due to the uniqueness of roads in any town.

I’m amazed by the number of people who don’t know the difference between a truck & dog, semi and a b-double.

simplechick said :

Am I the only one that noticed at around 35 seconds Rick appears to mount the roundabout…. Nice driving….

i think what you’re noticing is the undulations that particular piece of road has immediately after the roundabout. it’s a good reason you don’t want to go through that particularly roundabout excessively quick. the previous one is fine for racing lines or drift exits though.

KB1971 – gymkhana 6 was released today.

troll-sniffer6:33 pm 12 Nov 13

All I saw was the OP acting like a jerk with no understanding of the concept of courteous driving techniques. No wonder the truck driver decided to prevent a re-run of the idiotic driving observed on the first roundabout.

What puzzles me is that some of the comments support the OP by questioning the driving of the semi-trailer. Anyone with even the merest hint of comprehending the mechanics of large trucks and relatively narrow lanes will ALWAYS give a truck the maximum of wriggle room. To do otherwise is not only stupid but also shows a potentially fatal lack of judgement. The truck driver noted the poor judgement of the OP in the first roundabout and decided to prevent the idiot from attempting the same thing at the second. I would have done exactly the same thing.

so the OP got beaten by a truck and is now having a cry!

how anyone can tell if the truck is speeding or not from the video is beyond me.

OP – learn to drive properly and be decisive in your moves.

for those who blame the truck driver, just remember that they don’t accelerate as fast as cars and therefore need to keep their momentum up.

Rik D, what an idiot.

I nominate Rik D for a chance to win a spot on the Mully Cup.

Without commenting one way or the other on ‘blame’, experience should have shown that the truck driver was pushing on after the demonstration at the first roundabout. The line taken through the second roundabout would have been expected.

Seemed okay to me. The roundabout thing is a little naughty, but it keeps the flow of traffic going. Also it discourages people from trying to overtake the turning vehicle.

Both of you seemed to be going a bit fast though.

Pitchka said :

Eaglehawk said :

dph said :

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

A roundabout requires you to move the steering wheel left and right.

You forgot about using ones handbrake, for those special occasions where you enter the roundabout at no less than 115km/h and want to exit sideways, as is the case with me.

Im with you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuDN2bCIyus

qbninthecity4:25 pm 12 Nov 13

I’m thinking if Rik D keeps driving like a f^&ktard on the roads he won’t be with us much longer. And that can only be a good thing…

460cixy said :

Those signs on the back of his dog apply to you rickd there’s only one jackarse in that vid and its you mate.

I see this all the time at roundabouts and intersections another reason I don’t drive them any longer


Our roads are full of under-trained and incompetent drivers like RikD, who do not know their road rules and do not know how to drive safely, but seem overly fond of trying to blame everyone but themselves for the results of their extremely poor driving.

Do not overtake turning vehicle.
you are also tailgating
how Canberran

Am I the only one that noticed at around 35 seconds Rick appears to mount the roundabout…. Nice driving….

Truckie is driving dodgie and too fast and the OP is playing chicken in his blind spot. I might suggest that perhaps the truckie is used to people trying silly overtaking moves on roundabouts and likes to discourage such attempts. In any case regardless of what the truckie is doing, you have an obligation to drive safely and reduce the risk of collision and the OP certainly wasn’t doing that in this footage.

Eaglehawk said :

dph said :

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

A roundabout requires you to move the steering wheel left and right.

You forgot about using ones handbrake, for those special occasions where you enter the roundabout at no less than 115km/h and want to exit sideways, as is the case with me.

Rawhide Kid Part3 said :

Zeital said :

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

Do you know how much time and room these trucks need to stop like you say????

Go read my post #26, I make it clear that at these times I have seen no effort on the trucks part to slow down coming into the roundabouts for traffic it should give way to.

OP is a tool. Post your rego op in the sake of fairness.

dph said :

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

A roundabout requires you to move the steering wheel left and right. Those yellow and red signs on the trucks gives them the right to go through the roundabout without having to stay within the lanes. The purpose of those signs is to allow the truck to use multiple lanes to go through an intersection (in this case, a roundabout) without having to follow the normal lines.

I’m not defending, I’m showing you how not to get killed. But it’s your right to get crushed, just don’t take anyone else in the car or the general public.

dph said :

bd84 said :

It worries me that people don’t understand the meaning of “turning” in “do not overtake turning vehicle”.

Left or right turns only! Straight ahead is not turning.

Part 4 of the road rules deals with making left and right turns, and includes the rules in which long vehicles with “do not overtake turning vehicle” signs in performing left or right turns.

The rules relating to roundabouts are included in part 9 of the act. It says that long vehicles can use both lanes when exiting less than half way around the roundabout (I.e. A left turn) or more than half way around the roundabout (I.e. A right hand turn). The same provision does not exist for exiting half way around (I.e. Going straight ahead). The definitions are clear and there are even little pictures to illustrate each.

Therefore, the truck in question would be fined for not keeping to the marked lane when travelling through the roundabout. The driver in question should not have tried to beat it around the small roundabout in the first place as it was never going to work, but then the truck should also have not pulled out from the give way forcing the other driver to slow (another offence) But courtesy should have prevailed.

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

And anyone who thinks its intelligent to try and come from behind a semi trailer and overtake it through a roundabout should think about the ramifications of being crushed under said truck than worrying about what the applicable legislation states. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault if you’re dead. He would have been, what, one truck ahead in traffic? Yeah totally worth the risk.

I see a truck entering the roundabout before you on both occasions. Enough said.

Rawhide Kid Part33:20 pm 12 Nov 13

Zeital said :

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

Do you know how much time and room these trucks need to stop like you say????

bd84 said :

It worries me that people don’t understand the meaning of “turning” in “do not overtake turning vehicle”.

Left or right turns only! Straight ahead is not turning.

Part 4 of the road rules deals with making left and right turns, and includes the rules in which long vehicles with “do not overtake turning vehicle” signs in performing left or right turns.

The rules relating to roundabouts are included in part 9 of the act. It says that long vehicles can use both lanes when exiting less than half way around the roundabout (I.e. A left turn) or more than half way around the roundabout (I.e. A right hand turn). The same provision does not exist for exiting half way around (I.e. Going straight ahead). The definitions are clear and there are even little pictures to illustrate each.

Therefore, the truck in question would be fined for not keeping to the marked lane when travelling through the roundabout. The driver in question should not have tried to beat it around the small roundabout in the first place as it was never going to work, but then the truck should also have not pulled out from the give way forcing the other driver to slow (another offence) But courtesy should have prevailed.

Everyone who’s blindly defending the truck driver should read the above post^.

There’s an overtaking lane like 2kms up the road for fuck sake, just WAIT.

aidan said :

I’m with #2. From current road rules

(8) Despite subrule (2), a driver may approach and enter the roundabout from the marked lane next to the left lane as well as, or instead of, the left lane if:
(a) the driver’s vehicle, together with any load or projection, is 7.5 metres long, or longer; and
(b) the vehicle displays a do not overtake turning vehicle sign; and
(c) any part of the vehicle is within 50 metres of the nearest point of the roundabout; and
(d) it is not practicable for the driver to leave the roundabout less than halfway around it from within the left lane; and
(e) the driver can safely occupy the next marked lane and can safely leave the roundabout less than halfway around it by occupying the next marked lane, or both lanes.

My legalese isn’t great, but I think it means the truck can take up both lanes, no?

I disagree. That size truck and dog is perfectly capable of negotiating that roundabout whilst staying wholly within its lane. The single thing that prevents it from happening is speed. As the video shows it can be done in the first instance, not so easy with a head of steam up.

It worries me that people don’t understand the meaning of “turning” in “do not overtake turning vehicle”.

Left or right turns only! Straight ahead is not turning.

Part 4 of the road rules deals with making left and right turns, and includes the rules in which long vehicles with “do not overtake turning vehicle” signs in performing left or right turns.

The rules relating to roundabouts are included in part 9 of the act. It says that long vehicles can use both lanes when exiting less than half way around the roundabout (I.e. A left turn) or more than half way around the roundabout (I.e. A right hand turn). The same provision does not exist for exiting half way around (I.e. Going straight ahead). The definitions are clear and there are even little pictures to illustrate each.

Therefore, the truck in question would be fined for not keeping to the marked lane when travelling through the roundabout. The driver in question should not have tried to beat it around the small roundabout in the first place as it was never going to work, but then the truck should also have not pulled out from the give way forcing the other driver to slow (another offence) But courtesy should have prevailed.

AmarooStu said :

dks00k said :

…..And just to start an another argument, I’m one of those people who don’t think a indicator is required at the end of those lanes. I mean where else are you going to go. Technically you aren’t merging. I’m happy to be shown the rules pertaining to that as I havent been able to find any.

Page 30;

Thanks for that. Nice guide book. Where is it written in legislation?

The truck driver would qualify for an ACT Taxi license..

I see a truck driven smoothly and predictably. The car, not so much.

The type of morons that would complain about this are the same sort of morons that try and overtake buses and other large vehicles with those yellow and red signs on the rear through the middle of roundabouts. But hey, as long as you’re not speeding right. Please post your own rego plate so we know to avoid you.

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, it’s a frickin massive truck, not a feckin Daewoo or something.

That Rik D is being a complete wanker, not the truck driver.

Those signs on the back of his dog apply to you rickd there’s only one jackarse in that vid and its you mate. I see this all the time at roundabouts and intersections another reason I don’t drive them any longer

hahahaha, Rioters pasting lengthy road regulations….

I agree with OP, the truck was going too quickly through the roundabouts and being aggressive. Personally I wouldn’t overtake on a roundabout (anyone let alone a semi) but it’s still bully-driving tactics.

Solidarity said :

Zeital said :

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

This topic is giving me a headache. Everyone should be forced to ride a motorbike before being given a car license. Might teach people a thing or two about self preservation.

I am aware that they can’t stop as fast as cars, but not even slowing down into a roundabout with clear view of cars coming down that they should give way to rather then just steaming through at full speed and making me/anyone else have to stop in the middle of going through (possibly getting rear ended as well) as to not die from getting smashed into at said roundabouts is another story…..

marcothepolopony1:55 pm 12 Nov 13

I see nothing here to complain about. Been driving for 47 years in the ACT too.
I just say one thing – never attempt to UNDERtake a B double – anywhere, ever.

The only one acting like a jerk here is Rik D

+1 to #2, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #10, #11 and #17

and +100 to #15

I disagree with all the “do not overtake turning vehicle” comments here.
Sure it’s justified but I would say only when the truck driver makes an attempt to obey the law. Clearly here the driver doesn’t want to slow down so straight-lines the roundabout. He didn’t make any attempt to keep within the left lane – thus I would argue the signs mean diddly-squat.

dph said :

Gotta love the Riot Act sometimes. ‘Yeah, let’s all defend a truck driver, driving a heavy vehicle at speed & not even attempting to slow down or stay inside the lanes.’

So you dont think that after doing that the first time & nearly wearing young Rick as a hubcap that he thought the next time that he might not give him the oppourtunity to do it again?

You were expecting to overtake a semi on a roundabout like that??

Zeital said :

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

Trucks don’t stop like cars do, they can’t.

This topic is giving me a headache. Everyone should be forced to ride a motorbike before being given a car license. Might teach people a thing or two about self preservation.

Another deluded/ignorant car driver and another tabloid headline from RiotAct.
The truck driver hasn’t done anything wrong – he had right of way at the first merge and merely blocked (legally) Rik D from trying to perform the same idiotic move at the second roundabout.

thebrownstreak691:34 pm 12 Nov 13

The part where the car tries to overtake the truck on the roundabout is ridiculous. This is how accidents happen.

Give the truck some space, it won’t hold you up, and you can overtake when you get the space. It’s not like he was crawling along slowly.

I didn’t see any truck driver’s acting like jerks, just one driving how I’d reasonably expect them to drive a large, articulated truck.

I did however see the vehicle immediately behind try to illegally overtake the truck in the roundabout, and then fail to give way to the leading vehicle as is the law at the form one lane markings immediately after.

I’m kind of surprised they’d upload a video demonstrating their terrible driving to youtube.

What I find more troubling is them not giveng way (when they should) on roundabouts. I’ve almost been totalled twice and seen a few other people almost get totalled from them coming out in front of cars because they don’t want to stop.

See those big signs on the back of the trailer that say “Do not overtake turning vehicle” ?

Ever wondered why EVERY SINGLE TRUCK EVER has them on the back?

Far out.

Rik D, turn your license in.

It’s a bloody 40 ton truck.

You are too stupid to use our roads.

Turning truck:

Because trucks are bigger than cars, they take up more space than cars when turning, so keep a safe distance away and give them room to move.

Some trucks need extra space at corners, intersections and roundabouts. If they are over 7.5 metres long they have ‘DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE’ signs, and may need two lanes to make their turn.


I’ll let Rik D research what the red and yellow signs on the back of the truck say.

I’m with #2. From current road rules

(8) Despite subrule (2), a driver may approach and enter the roundabout from the marked lane next to the left lane as well as, or instead of, the left lane if:
(a) the driver’s vehicle, together with any load or projection, is 7.5 metres long, or longer; and
(b) the vehicle displays a do not overtake turning vehicle sign; and
(c) any part of the vehicle is within 50 metres of the nearest point of the roundabout; and
(d) it is not practicable for the driver to leave the roundabout less than halfway around it from within the left lane; and
(e) the driver can safely occupy the next marked lane and can safely leave the roundabout less than halfway around it by occupying the next marked lane, or both lanes.

My legalese isn’t great, but I think it means the truck can take up both lanes, no?

Gotta love the Riot Act sometimes. ‘Yeah, let’s all defend a truck driver, driving a heavy vehicle at speed & not even attempting to slow down or stay inside the lanes.’

Rick D, you are a tool.

I see the truck driver doing his job – would you rather he attempts to take the roundabout correctly like a car can, only to have them jack knife or roll over, possibly taking you with them.

Vehicles of this size cannot manouver as easily as a car can. Hence why they need both lanes of a roundabout. Sometimes if a turn is sharp enough they will need to turn from the middle of both lanes of traffic.

The whole, do not overtake turning vehicles, kinda applies to trucks on roundabouts.. even though they are going straight.

dks00k said :

…..And just to start an another argument, I’m one of those people who don’t think a indicator is required at the end of those lanes. I mean where else are you going to go. Technically you aren’t merging. I’m happy to be shown the rules pertaining to that as I havent been able to find any.

Page 30;

This argument is going to flip & flop but I am going to start the debate:

It seems you as a driver didnt adhere to this rule:

Division 3 Overtaking
140 No overtaking unless safe to do so
A driver must not overtake a vehicle unless:
(a) the driver has a clear view of any approaching traffic;
(b) the driver can safely overtake the vehicle.
Offence provision.
Note 1 Approaching, overtake and traffic are defined in the dictionary.
Note 2 A driver is not permitted to overtake another vehicle by
crossing a single continuous dividing line only, a single continuous
dividing line to the left of a broken dividing line or 2 parallel continuous
dividing lines — see rules 134 (2) and 132 (2).

Trying to overtake a heavy vehicle by placing yourself on the inside of him on a roundabout is not safe.

You should have been at the front of his truck before entering the roundabout.

On the second roundabout, it is mentioned throughout the the ARR’s that a vehicle that is larger than 7.5m long can use more than one lane to negotiate a turn. Ok he is not technically turning but a reasonable person should expect that a truck of that size is not going to be able to completely negotiate such a small roundabout without crossing lanes.

Then there are the signs on the back that say “DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE”. They should give you a hint that you should behave and give the larger vehicle space in this situation.

On the fact that he pulled out? Yep PITA but it was safe (ish), you didnt hit him and had plenty of time to change lanes (as evidence in your video).

I would say he did you a favour the second time seeing as you nearly ended up under his wheels the first time……..

1) “driver” not “diver”.
2) it’s illegal to overtake on a roundabout.
3) give trucks some space, especially long ones!

Ambitious move by Rik D to think he/she could get past the truck & dog

“Keep an eye on trucks within a roundabout. Because of their size, trucks need to use more room to turn and may swing out wide….”


You know you have left yourself wide open posting that video…..

Do what exactly? Use both lanes of the roundabout (2nd one)? Yep that pisses me off too, After your effort at the first roundabout I hardly blame him.

I’m keen to know what goes through the minds of people like you who just have to be one car in front at every roundabout or traffic light. Why on earth did you place yourself up beside the truck like that through a roundabout? Hoping to get to where you were going a few seconds quicker? I bet he turned into the quarry just up the road which would have made it so worthwhile.

And just to start an another argument, I’m one of those people who don’t think a indicator is required at the end of those lanes. I mean where else are you going to go. Technically you aren’t merging. I’m happy to be shown the rules pertaining to that as I havent been able to find any.

I dont try to overtake semis on roudabouts for this reason. Technically, I think they CAN keep to their lane, but it’s much easier for them to take it straight. And no one wins a fight with a truck.

Rawhide Kid Part312:16 pm 12 Nov 13

You weren’t trying to beat a rig of that size to a single lane were you? Why ? When the driver of the rig is traveling at the same speed as the rest of the traffic would you need to pass him / her? Who’s the jerk then?

Erm…not sure if you’re “right” about this:


Point number 6.

I usually see all 3 of those offences committed by ACTION drivers on a regular basis. Maybe they all attend the same heavy vehicle driver training….

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