Fire tornados have been getting a lot of press lately as shown in the video above and yesterday’s
So it’s intriguing Justice and Community Safety are trumpeting new research announcing a firenado was present during the 2003 fires in Canberra.
This prompted Government enforcer and sometime spin king Jeremy Lasek (current title: Executive Director Culture and Communications, Chief Minister and Cabinet, ACT Government) to claim vindication on Twitter:
For those still angry, today confirmation Canberra was hit with world first 'fire tornado' on Jan 18, 2003. It was simply unstoppable.
— Jeremy Lasek (@LasekJeremy) November 19, 2012
Here in the bunker we can’t help holding onto a lingering belief that if a State of Emergency had been declared six hours earlier, and warnings made 24 hours earlier, injury, loss of property, and life, would likely have been reduced.
But intriguing to see it coming up again nearly 10 years on.