Chief Minister Stanhope has the happy news that the Yarralumla dog playground at Weston Park is opening this weekend:
Chief Minister and Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Jon Stanhope said the park would open for the first time on Saturday.
“Following the success of dog parks in Tuggeranong and Belconnen, the ACT Government has completed a new off-leash dog park in Weston Park,” Mr Stanhope said.
“The fenced-off park provides a dedicated space for dogs and their owners to exercise and socialise in central Canberra.
“It features separate enclosures for small and big dogs, walking paths, seats, bubblers and water sources for dogs.
Apparently the existing parks in Belconnen and Tuggeranong get used by “up to” 100 Canberrans every weekend!
This new park cost $250,000
It’s on the corner of Banks and Brown Streets in Yarralumla.