Have you ever wished you didn’t have to wait a week to get a GP appointment? Wondered where to go for help after a sexual assault? Wanted a private midwife closer than a one hour drive from Canberra? Know what services the women’s health centre provides?
Australia’s largest network of organisations advocating for women’s equality is running a survey to identify gaps in Australian women’s health services. This is an opportunity for Canberra women to have their say on what health services they want, or what they’d like to change about the services already here.
The survey is available online at www.equalityrightsalliance.org.au until Friday 24 June 2011. Printable surveys are also available at the website, and are being distributed through community organisations around Australia.
Equality Rights Alliance will publish the results of the survey, including a map of gaps in Australian women’s health services, in early July 2011.
The survey includes questions about access to a wide range of services, including GPs and hospitals, sexual health clinics, private midwives, mental health services, and breastfeeding counsellors. Women can give their views on what needs to change if they are not happy with services in their local community, and can identify services that are needed. The results will also identify areas of need for women with disability, who do not speak English as their first language, have family care responsibilities, and more.