A short while ago we posted about Bollywood Black Tie Bonanza, the charity night that combines food, dance, and helping people who want to learn get the chance to do so.
The event is happening this Friday at Digress, and kicks off at 6.30.
Well the folks behind the event have been nice enough to throw two tickets at us, each valued at $90, to give away to one of our premium members.
All you have to do to win a fancy dinner for two with entertainment is to email us at contact@the-riotact.com before lunchtime (1pm) Thursday and throw your hat into the ring.
Make the subject of your email “Bollywood Comp” and be sure to include your real name in the body of the email so we can have your name on the door at Digress.
We’ll draw a random email from the list and assuming the writer of that email has followed our embarrassingly simple instructions correctly, they and a lucky date of their choosing will be having dinner out this Friday!