Another week, another Giralang Shops Development Application. Seems to have less Supermarket and more specialty shops.
We’ll have to see if it can survive the onslaught of the professional objectors, but for now it is live.
ACTPLA welcomes objections and comments from interested parties. If you want the DA to be approved you should put in a submission to that effect.
You will need to detail the nature of your interest in the shop site e.g. resident, user of the shops, family member of a pupil at the school etc. You can submit your feedback in a number of ways:
• Email: app.sec@act.gov.au
• Mail: ACTPLA Applications Secretariat PO Box 365, Mitchell 2911.
• Deliver to: ACTPLA, Ground Floor South, Dame Pattie Menzies House, 16 Challis Street, Dickson
The more submissions the better. If you have a stake in the future of Giralang shops then send in a submission. Your voice does count.