You Are Here launched their very pretty paper program last night in Smiths alternative bookshop and wine bar. You can now find it online.
Seriously go and check it out as there’s some big free fun to be had.
For mine the most important thing about this festival is that it’s the work of local imaginations.
Years ago I saw an Iranian teenager being interviewed on TV angrily announcing that he was a part of the modern world because he could by GAP jeans.
Even then I thought to myself “you’re really part of the world when you can design the jeans that everyone else wants to wear”.
Similarly I would scoff every year when Jon Stanhope would announce Canberra to be the most cultured city in Australia based on our movie attendance.
IMHO a place’s culture is measured by its outputs and not its consumption.
To quote Fight Club: “You are not your DVD collection”.
You Are Here on the other hand is a wellspring of local creativity. So even if, this year, you aren’t creating anything yourself it won’t hurt to go and appreciate what’s coming out of your own community.
Moving on…
Last night was about getting the beautiful paper program out to the world. Keep an eye out for it around town.
There was a dartboard (played with more gusto than skill) but the highlight after the speeches were the pinatas.
Thespian Adam Hadley and BMA Magazine’s Allan Sko feebly batted with mic stands while the world grew older, children were born, the seas boiled into space, and the pinata stubbornly resisted their puny blows.
Eventually Allan Sko body slammed the seemingly invulnerable pinata and they dismembered it with their hands.
Here’s a collage of the shameful business.
Modesty forbids me from mentioning how Pinata No 2 fared at hands of a potent website editor.
You Are Here kicks off on 8 March. Don’t be shy!