Liberal Leader Zed Seselja (scarce believing his luck) has (with great haste by the slow moving standards of his office) seized Chief Minister Stanhope’s bizarre Ceausescu moment of complete misjudgment of his audience.
“The Government should be in the final deliberations for the budget, and Jon Stanhope is clearly sending the message to the community that he regards public art as a higher priority to the improvement of basic services like roads infrastructure, health services and education. And if you disagree you’re a ‘redneck’.
“It’s this sort of delusional and out-of-touch reaction with the significant cost-of-living pressures placed on Canberra households, that sees him continue to spout lines that the ACT is an affordable jurisdiction to buy or rent.
“The Canberra Liberals believe the number one priority of the government should be on providing improved basic services and easing the relentless cost pressures placed on Canberra households.
“You have to wonder how much longer the Labor party can stand their leader alienating the community with his bullying and abusive antics,” Zed concluded.