16 July 2013

Another efficiency dividend to pay for more carbon pollution

| johnboy
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The Financial Review has word that Kevin Rudd’s watering down of the carbon tax is going to be paid for, amongst other things, by slapping another lazy efficiency dividend on the public service.

To avoid a hit to the budget from the lower price that carbon permits will be sold to industry, the senior levels of the federal public service will be required to become more efficient.

Sources said there would be an extra 1 per cent efficiency dividend imposed at the executive level and a 0.5 per cent extra dividend at senior executive level, delivering combined savings over the four-year budget forecasts of about $250 million.

It suits Kevin’s arm waving policy style, just blurt out a percentile and leave others to pick up the pieces.

Why go to the trouble of actually figuring out where the waste is?

UPDATE: The ABC is saying 800 EL jobs are going to go.

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thebrownstreak699:40 am 17 Jul 13

dungfungus said :

Even half the ALP hate Rudd’s guts. Possibly more actually….

If that were true, it would mean that the people who are running the opinion polls have only been contacting the other half of the ALP that love Rudd.
I know that Keating first used the brilliant one-liner (referring to Andrew Peacock) “can a souffle rise twice?”
That is the question about Rudd everyone should now be asking themselves.

Yeah but Keating was actually a pretty clever bloke. Rudd is a psycho.

Even half the ALP hate Rudd’s guts. Possibly more actually….

If that were true, it would mean that the people who are running the opinion polls have only been contacting the other half of the ALP that love Rudd.
I know that Keating first used the brilliant one-liner (referring to Andrew Peacock) “can a souffle rise twice?”
That is the question about Rudd everyone should now be asking themselves.

CraigT said :

thebrownstreak69 said :

Interesting that Labor is still slashing and burning of the public service. Looks like there’ll be nothing left for Abbott to cut if the Libs get in.

So Abbott will be breaking his promise?

Clever Rudd.

Basically, the ALP have done nothing wrong over the last two governments, except their absolutely blindingly, lethaly failed immigration policy.
So they have to make as much noise as possible between now and the election about *anything but* the boats.
So far it’s working. Abbott is looking clueless and empty. Too gutless to debate, and his only “policy”, banning the carbon tax, is now obsolete.

The ALP is a complete f***ing shambles man. Even half the ALP hate Rudd’s guts. Possibly more actually….

Yeah,pretty much, although reinstating Rudd has effectively meant that they won’t be decimated come election day.

justin heywood9:43 pm 16 Jul 13

CraigT said :

…Basically, the ALP have done nothing wrong over the last two governments, except their absolutely blindingly, lethaly failed immigration policy.

Ha! I started to write a list of other ‘things’ that Labor has gotten wrong in their last two terms, but it was long and boring.

But, answer me this Craig. If they’ve been so good, how come Labor dumped Rudd during his first term, brought in Gillard, then dumped Gillard and, astoundingly, resurrected Rudd?

Are you seriously suggesting it’s all been going pretty well?

The consensus within both the electorate and the ALP itself is that it has been an absolute shambles Craig, such that Abbott has started to look like a palatable alternative.

CraigT said :

thebrownstreak69 said :

Interesting that Labor is still slashing and burning of the public service. Looks like there’ll be nothing left for Abbott to cut if the Libs get in.

So Abbott will be breaking his promise?

Clever Rudd.

Basically, the ALP have done nothing wrong over the last two governments, except their absolutely blindingly, lethaly failed immigration policy.
So they have to make as much noise as possible between now and the election about *anything but* the boats.
So far it’s working. Abbott is looking clueless and empty. Too gutless to debate, and his only “policy”, banning the carbon tax, is now obsolete.

Who needs a debate? I would hope that most people are intellegent enough to assess the situation themselves and vote accordingly (if Rudd ever has the balls to call an election that is).

thebrownstreak69 said :

Interesting that Labor is still slashing and burning of the public service. Looks like there’ll be nothing left for Abbott to cut if the Libs get in.

So Abbott will be breaking his promise?

Clever Rudd.

Basically, the ALP have done nothing wrong over the last two governments, except their absolutely blindingly, lethaly failed immigration policy.
So they have to make as much noise as possible between now and the election about *anything but* the boats.
So far it’s working. Abbott is looking clueless and empty. Too gutless to debate, and his only “policy”, banning the carbon tax, is now obsolete.

JessP said :

I predict a lot more staff than the 800 suggested, looking at the amount they are trying to save.

If anything the figures are too low as the savings are reported to be over 4 years. If you assume an average salary of EL1/2 to be 100k, that works out over 4 years to be 650 staff. Of course I reckon my average is low and that doesn’t include all the extras like super etc.

Looking forward to reading the next few Secretary’s senior staffing changes emails, which hopefully start with (insert most difficult post menopausal SES officer name) has decided to leave the public service. Every agency can operate without them.

Can’t they just bite the bullet and get rid of the compensation scheme that went along with the Carbon tax?
Oh I forgot, ‘working families’ are doing it tough and there’s an election in the offing, carry on.

Mysteryman said :

Roundhead89 said :

justin heywood said :

“…. the senior levels of the federal public service will be required to become more efficient.”

Who writes this crap? Who believes it? The intention and reality is job cuts, and it has nothing to do with efficiency.

And it appears that EL1s and 2s will be hardest hit, hardly ‘senior level’ but often the most talented. Stupid. Stupid.

800 jobs. Just wait until the union hears about this! (jokes)

And I suppose the CPSU’s bosses will once again be totally mute about this and instead scream about the horrid Liberals and their “recession-inducing” PS cuts.

Of course they will. And the rusted-on Labor supporters and sheep will believe every bit of it.

And the Liberal faithful will continue claiming that these cuts are of the same magnitude as the Liberals planned cuts even though they aren’t even close.

When you say ‘Tampa’ they say, “yeah, Florida is totes laxxing.” FFS, #bureaucracy_fail.

Florida gives me the shits to #laxative_fail

I’d be interested to see how it would look economically if every single person acting up a level (usually to cover an unfilled vacancy) we to be dropped down to their nominal permanent grade.

I suspect it would be quite a saving. Of course, it would be kinda rude to then expect everyone to keep doing exactly what they were doing while being paid more….

Roundhead89 said :

justin heywood said :

“…. the senior levels of the federal public service will be required to become more efficient.”

Who writes this crap? Who believes it? The intention and reality is job cuts, and it has nothing to do with efficiency.

And it appears that EL1s and 2s will be hardest hit, hardly ‘senior level’ but often the most talented. Stupid. Stupid.

800 jobs. Just wait until the union hears about this! (jokes)

And I suppose the CPSU’s bosses will once again be totally mute about this and instead scream about the horrid Liberals and their “recession-inducing” PS cuts.

Of course they will. And the rusted-on Labor supporters and sheep will believe every bit of it.

justin heywood said :

“…. the senior levels of the federal public service will be required to become more efficient.”

Who writes this crap? Who believes it? The intention and reality is job cuts, and it has nothing to do with efficiency.

And it appears that EL1s and 2s will be hardest hit, hardly ‘senior level’ but often the most talented. Stupid. Stupid.

800 jobs. Just wait until the union hears about this! (jokes)

And I suppose the CPSU’s bosses will once again be totally mute about this and instead scream about the horrid Liberals and their “recession-inducing” PS cuts.

justin heywood2:57 pm 16 Jul 13

“…. the senior levels of the federal public service will be required to become more efficient.”

Who writes this crap? Who believes it? The intention and reality is job cuts, and it has nothing to do with efficiency.

And it appears that EL1s and 2s will be hardest hit, hardly ‘senior level’ but often the most talented. Stupid. Stupid.

800 jobs. Just wait until the union hears about this! (jokes)

I predict a lot more staff than the 800 suggested, looking at the amount they are trying to save.

…because we all know if you give a organisation less money they will continue to produce the same amount of work at the same quality year after year.

thebrownstreak6912:20 pm 16 Jul 13

Interesting that Labor is still slashing and burning of the public service. Looks like there’ll be nothing left for Abbott to cut if the Libs get in.

HiddenDragon11:49 am 16 Jul 13

So if the Parliament doesn’t agree to the change to the carbon pricing mechanism, will the cuts be reversed? (ha ha ha).

davo101 said :

percentile percentage

As the saying goes at my workplace: they can pretend they resource us and we’ll continue to pretend to do the work

Rudd and his entourage coming soon to a shopping centre near you.

percentile percentage

As the saying goes at my workplace: they can pretend they resource us and we’ll continue to pretend to do the work

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