Jon Stanhope has announced that the leftover money in the public art program is going to go on bronze sculptures of his heroes Ben Chifley and John Curtin:
“The sculptures will be life-like reproductions in bronze based on a well-known photograph of then Prime Minister John Curtin and Treasurer Ben Chifley walking near Parliament House in 1945,” Mr Stanhope said.
“The sculptures will be located as close as possible to the original location of the photo, which reflects an important era in Canberra’s social history, when politicians would stay at the Kurrajong Hotel and walk to work at Parliament House (now the Museum of Australian Democracy).
“I believe these sculptures will be of great significance to Canberra and the Nation and I look forward to their unveiling in the lead up to Canberra’s centenary in 2013.”
Perhaps if the public art program had delivered more works like this (Peter Corlett, whom many of you will know through the “Simpson and His Donkey” sculpture at the War Memorial, is expected to do it) it would have had more support in the community?