The SMH has a lengthy piece on the torrent of abuse unleashed on Canberra last night on American TV (and on Eleven last night too where it raised my eyebrows).
If Guy Pearce wants to slag us off I guess that’s fine, and who cares what Ajay Rochester thinks about anything.
But local girl “Mardi” seems to think the only thing worth doing in Canberra is going to Sydney.
Which suggests to me she really needs to get out more, or possibly stay there.
So does anyone know this woman (the one on the right)?

Perhaps Craig should at least make a visit before devoting his show to slagging off 300,000 people.
Here’s the full horror show:
If the embedded player isn’t working you can see it on Eleven’s catch-up site.
UPDATE 12/04/12 12:40: Multiple sources have confirmed it’s one Mardi Croke of Jerrabomberra, who frequently stars in the Queanbeyan Age on netball related matters. Trading up Quangers for Canberra just to slag it seems like an odd strategy.
UPDATE 12/04/12 13:37: And for those whom Eleven is not working we now have it via YouTube:
UPDATE: And now the magic of YouTube brings us Ajay and Mardi enjoying their three minutes and twenty seconds of fame:
UPDATE 12/04/12 16:14: The Canberra Times has had a chat to Mardi who now says it was Ferguson’s idea:
Part of me did get the guilts because I do love Canberra and I often go there for the beautiful restaurants.”
But Mardi says the whole thing was meant to be taken as a joke.
“It was all very quick, it was all very funny and it was all light-hearted and I just can’t believe it’s turned into this. I love a good laugh as much as anyone else,” she said.
Mardi now jokes she’ll be wearing her “I love Queanbeyan” t-shirt when she gets home after having to deny where she was from on US television.
“I’m a staunch Queanbeyanite and love my home town,” she said.