Chief Minister Gallagher is kicking off a long overdue discussion on end of life issues. With a forum report on the issue:
new report on end of life issues has called for increased community engagement and awareness on end of life care and suggested some clarification to the laws dealing with advance care directives, Chief Minister and Minister for Health, Katy Gallagher, said today.
The Chief Minister welcomed the release of the final report from the ACT Local Hospital Network Council Forum on end of life issues and decision-making.
“End of life care is an area of our health system that is often not discussed widely in public, but is something that is a very important aspect of managing an illness for many people in our community,” the Chief Minister said.
“I was pleased to open the Local Hospital Network’s forum on end of life issues back in May this year, and welcome this report containing six recommendations that stemmed from this forum.”
The key recommendations include:
— Greater involvement and understanding across the community in end of life care issues;
— increased information and awareness of the usefulness and benefits of advance care planning;
— create a greater acceptance of the value and importance of advance care planning amongst all careers and professionals in end of life settings and support training to increase their adoption;
— clarify and simplify the legal framework for advance care planning and move towards a common framework and set of documents for them;
— take steps to make advance care planning easily available and ensure that when they done they are acted upon;
— options in end of life situations should be openly discussed so that futile care can be recognised and patients directed to the most appropriate care and palliatiation.
Now if we can just get serious about euthanasia maybe we can stop wasting 90% of the vast health budget on the last sixth months of life.
Give me a six month prognosis, let me set a date and any friends or family who want to say goodbye can make appropriate arrangements, I can read the obits, and check out on schedule.
Better than months of being carved up by surgeons and gasping through tubes.