Territory And Municipal Services are warning that it’s magpie time again:
With the warmer weather just around the corner Canberrans are urged to be aware that the magpie swooping season has begun.
“Magpies are an important part of the Canberra environment and for most of the year they are good neighbours. During the six week breeding season, however, they become territorial and may swoop people and other animals in the area of their nest to protect their young,” said Nadia Kuzmanoski, Ranger, Parks and Reserves.
“Not all magpies are threatened by people, only some will swoop. It is important not to aggravate magpies or retaliate as they can become more aggressive if irritated.
People can follow simple precautions can help avoid being swooped by a magpie:
— walk through the magpie’s territory quickly, but don’t run;
— take a different route next time;
— protect your head with an umbrella, hat or helmet and your eyes with glasses;
— attach a flag or streamers on a stick to your backpack or bike; and
— avoid throw things at magpies.
And let’s not forget the CSIRO’s groundbreaking work in this area:
[Photo by Owen from last year]