I spent a few moments looking through old RiotACT articles, and there are all kinds of strangeness that seems to go back to the Time Before Time, when Johnboy stalked the land, and would occasionally wake bloodied and with a mouthful of fur but no memories of a night on the prowl.
I came across this article from 2006 “Who’s got the power in Canberra?” and can’t recall seeing anything similar since, so will ask the question again.
The same rules apply: No sitting Ministers or Members, no Parliamentary Secretaries or Department Heads, and neither Graeme Evans (“Mayor of Belconnen”) nor Terry Snow (“Lord of Fairbairn”) are eligible.
Who are our local movers, shakers, manipulators, puppet-masters, players, and up-and-comings for 2008?
If you’re comfortable with it, explain your answer.