In today’s volatile, ever-changing, and hyper-connected world, we need leaders with cool heads, warm hearts and steady hands. We need leaders who can respond, rather than react. We need leaders who can make decisions from a place of wisdom and compassion, as opposed to the latest most urgent pressure point.
Local businesswoman, Zoë Routh of Inner Compass, recently launched “Composure”, a book written to help leaders in government, business and not for profit sectors handle the pressures of leadership whilst maintaining the confidence of those around them.
“Composure serves as a handbook for deep personal mastery that leads to the kind of leadership that operates with grace under fire. I’ve worked with some incredible leaders who work hard to maintain composure whilst making a difference,” Zoë said.
“Leadership is a deeply personal experience with paradoxically global implications. How one operates as an individual creates waves, therefore we want to be more considered in how we engage.”
“The capacity to press pause before we say or do something is a linchpin skill for leaders. We develop that skill with rigorous attention to our leadership ‘being’ practices and our leadership ‘doing’ practices.”
With over 25 years experience working with experienced business leaders, Zoë has drawn upon their knowledge and insights to create a practical resource for those looking to understand their key leadership challenges and to develop a unique leadership presence.
“I’ve had some tough situations myself, and I know through my work that my capacity to handle the toughest of personal and professional challenges is a framework I can share. From dealing with cancer, to moving across the globe, to supporting my mother when my Dad was critically ill – these experiences have broadened who I am and how I operate as a leader – and I wanted to share some insights to help others.”
“I hope that readers finish the book with a path for developing their leadership presence and purpose that elevates themselves and those around them.”