Morning illustrious sages…
Has anyone in Canberra gone through the “let’s get rid of one of the cars to save money” discussion?
We are thinking of it and I reckon it’s do-able. ‘Er indoors… not so much.
Situation: we’re in Macgregor, 15 mins walk from Kippax. I work in Belco – I ride bike/bus/get dropped off/occasionally drive the ute, and she is in Civic – drives the hatch daily.
Wife drives to the gym in the evenings (she’s not a cyclist), I do stuff all. Weekends is where the clashes would hit. She drives to the gym & some weekends shops. I drive some weekends to bike tracks too far to ride to. I manage 2 or 3 weekends away with the boys every year. We do quite a lot together.
I reckon we’d save about $4 grand a year in rego, insurance, fuel, servicing. We’d probably sell both our current cars and get something in between like an SUV, but let’s assume the crossover = cost neutral.
What do you think? Anyone done it who would recommend it? Drawbacks? Questions?