The increasingly Chiefly Katy Gallagher is inviting the distant denizens of Belconnen to avail themselves of an ACT Cabinet meeting at the Belconnen Arts Centre:
“Cabinet in the Community gives Canberrans an opportunity to meet informally with Ministers over morning tea,” said Ms Gallagher.
“It is another way they can share their views and suggestions about things that are important to them.
“The upcoming Cabinet in the Community is a great opportunity to hear about new initiatives in Belconnen and for residents to discuss issues of local importance.
“Through Cabinet in the Community the ACT Government is continuing its commitment to outline its vision for the city’s future and to listen to community views and suggestions,” Ms Gallagher said.
Cabinet in the Community will be held on Saturday 23 October from 10.30am to 12.00pm at the Belconnen Arts Centre, 118 Emu Bank, Belconnen.
It’s nice that they’re reaching out to those unable to make the arduous trek to London Circuit.