Civic (or is that Canberra Central? Wait, wait, it’s just “City” now isn’t it?) seems to have great gouts of hot cash flowing all over it at the moment.
ANU has put out a media release detailing the $600 mil it’s project with Baulderstone Hornibrook is going to pump into revitalising the western portion of the city centre.
The Canberra Times re-hashes the media release here.
I’m not entirely convinced the term “Town and Gown” existed in Walter Burley Griffin’s original vision, particularly as WBG was long cold and in the ground before the foundation stone of ANU was laid. Then again the poor man’s name seems to be taken by whichever passing spiv is planning a development in the ACT these days.
Also I keep seeing buskers being mentioned as important in all the renewal projects. Perhaps if the buskers are such a big part of these projects some tiny portion of the multi-millions should be devoted to paying them?