More help is at hand for members of the LGBTQI+ community who have been impacted by sexual, domestic and family violence.
The Say It Out Loud online platform, specifically designed for LGBTQI+ communities, provides comprehensive and inclusive information and gives them access to resources, and culturally appropriate and state-specific information.
Produced by ACON, Australia’s largest health promotion organisation specialising in supporting the sexuality and gender diverse communities’ health and wellbeing, Say It Out Loud was first launched as a NSW specific site in 2017 and later received funding from the Federal Department of Social Services, in 2019, to be expanded nationwide.
The new national website was launched in November 2020 and focuses on building healthy relationships. It features tips, safety planning measures, videos, personal stories and other support resources.
The website has been developed in partnership with a range of specialist sexual assault and domestic violence services in every Australian state and territory, enabling Say It Out Loud to feature state-specific content, information on state legislation, referral and support options, and local events.
In the ACT, the Say It Out Loud website has been developed in partnership with the Canberra-based not-for-profit Domestic Violence and Crisis Service (DVCS). Glenda Stevens, interim general manager at DVCS, says LGBTQI+ communities are a significant part of the ACT community.
“The Say It Out Loud website pulls a lot of information together, making it easier for people to access information relevant to their needs,” she says. “The website promotes positive relationships as well as providing vital information to people who might be subjected to violence within their relationships, use violence or are worried about a friend or loved one.
“There are additional pressures that can be felt by the LGBTQI+ communities’ members because of their sexual orientation and gender diversity. Say It Out Loud will enable them to find information that is specific to their needs.
“ACT is a progressive state and the ‘Say It Out Loud’ website has been generating a lot of interest. The idea behind it is it’s aimed at the LGBTQI+ communities and no matter where you are, you can visit the website and find the support services that are closest to you.”
Glenda encourages anyone who is in quarantine or isolation and is being subjected to family and domestic violence, to seek help from ACT Policing or DVCS.
“Support and help will be given to you to help manage your next steps to access a safe alternative so you do not have to continue to be subjected to violence,” she says. “You can contact us and we can find a location that is safe for you. This applies to the LGBTQI+ community members equally as it does for anyone else.”
Visit Say It Out Loud here.