We have a large family wedding looming on September 21 and several relatives from Queensland have asked if any Canberran’s would be interested in swapping houses for up to 2 weeks for holidays around that date – they live chiefly on the Sunshine Coast.. Beerwah ( slightly inland..up the road from Australia Zoo) and Maroochydore. All of the homes are clean, comfy & child- friendly and the home at Beerwah is large enough to accommodate two families. Could be a good opportunity for a cheap holiday! The Queenslanders are happy to arrange dates according to Canberran’s schedules, the only requirement is they would definitely need accommodation on the 20th & 21st . If anyone is interested please email me for more information: mariact@iinet.net.au. Thanks!!
Public service stepping it up now that budget really will be delivered this month
Dutton says that the government has to ‘fix’ their reckless energy policy? Really? But he wants… View
Human rights sanctions hardly used against trade partners, parliament inquiry suggests
The vast panoply of human rights legislation in Australia is a vanity project show for political… View
Delays hit key Molonglo infrastructure projects
Are the delays part of essential cash flow management, now we are broke? View
At least this infrastructure project has been started, the Athlon Drive duplication from Drakeford… View
Canberra should have never got Self Government View
Upgrades announced for major regional highways in capital country
Rehabilitation... Sounds like the road is drunk and is going through a program. Seriously the weasel… View
Ashley Paul maybe, but the incompetence of the ACT should never extend beyond the existing borders.… View
About time it was all made into a double lane highway View