26 March 2008

Fancy a Queensland holiday in September?

| mariact
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We have a large family wedding looming on September 21 and several relatives from Queensland have asked if any Canberran’s would be interested in swapping houses for up to 2 weeks for holidays around that date – they live chiefly on the Sunshine Coast.. Beerwah ( slightly inland..up the road from Australia Zoo) and Maroochydore. All of the homes are clean, comfy & child- friendly and the home at Beerwah is large enough to accommodate two families. Could be a good opportunity for a cheap holiday! The Queenslanders are happy to arrange dates according to Canberran’s schedules, the only requirement is they would definitely need accommodation on the 20th & 21st . If anyone is interested please email me for more information: mariact@iinet.net.au. Thanks!!

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