The Greens’ Amanda Bresnan is pointing out that almost no-one has any enthusiasm for “Bus rapid transit”:
“The Canberra community agrees with the Greens. Questions we asked the Government about the community consultation on the Gungahlin to Civic transport project revealed that:
— 171 people favoured light rail, and 33 favoured bus rapid transit; and
— Of the 524 responses to the online survey, 414 people preferred light rail, and 71 preferred bus rapid transit.“In recent days, there have been more questions raised about the Government’s approach to light rail.
“Firstly, in the cost projections presented to the community, the Government did not make a ‘like for like’ comparison between bus rapid transit and light rail, because it excluded the capital costs for buses and bus depots.
“This year’s Budget sheds light on the real capital expenses by allocating over $60m to the purchase of new buses and a new Northside bus depot.
“In addition, NSW has just costed an extension to its light rail network at a per-kilometre cost that is less than half the ACT Government’s per-kilometre estimate for light rail in Canberra.