We’ve had the below in which we thought was worth sharing:
Readers may like to check out Chris Wallace’s article in this Saturday’s Canberra Times Panorama. Although she doesn’t make it clear, it would seem her venom is directed to the vote in Thursday’s Legislative Assembly, where the Liberals and Greens combined to direct the Government to act on the recommendations of the Inquiry into the Future Use of the Fitters’ Workshop.
Then go to the Megalo website and see who their Board members are: is one of them this same Chris Wallace?And if people are in the mood for further research, they could also go to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Wallace. Having digested that, follow the link to Michael Costello.
If the Chis Wallace on the Megalo board is the same as the Canberra Times columnist, and also is so closely connected to the Labor Party, what’s happened to the journalistic ethics that would require her to identify her interests in regard to both Megalo and her attack on Vicki Dunne (Liberal and Shadow Arts Minister) and Caroline Le Couteur (ACT Greens Spokesperson for Arts and Heritage)?
Helen Moore
Immediate Past President
ANU Choral Society