The Liberals’ Jeremy Hanson is having a right old dig at the Chief Minister this morning:
ACT Shadow Health Minister Jeremy Hanson is calling on Katy Gallagher to apologise to the patients whose cancer treatment was reportedly changed at short notice to fit in with her media schedule. Mr Hanson said it is unacceptable for the Health Minister to prioritise her photo opportunities over the patients she represents.
“On two separate days in August, cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy reportedly had their treatment times changed at short notice so Katy Gallagher could conduct a photo opportunity at the Canberra Hospital Radiation Oncology Department,” Mr Hanson said.
UPDATE 06/09/12 10:05 The Greens Amanda Bresnan has tweeted at us on this subject:
@The_RiotACT I was on health services visit with Hanson. Went to TCH, dental clinic & breastscreen. Breastscreen area shut down for visit.
— Amanda Bresnan 🇺🇦 (@AmandaBresnan1) September 6, 2012