7 February 2025

Oil and sewerage contamination close Lake Tuggeranong

| Claire Sams
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old seating along Tuggeranong foreshore

Authorities are investigating the cause of contamination that has closed Lake Tuggeranong once again. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.

Lake Tuggeranong is closed until further notice because of concerns over sewage and oil contamination from a private source.

The ACT Chief Minister and Treasury Directorate said the decision was based on advice from Health Protection Services (HPS).

“The lake is closed to all water activities pending water sample testing. The results of the tests will determine the next course of action,” they said.

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The source of the contamination is currently being investigated, but people were urged to stay away from the lake.

“Contact with water should be avoided and clothing that has been in the water should be washed immediately. Pet owners should not allow their animals to swim in or drink the water,” the Directorate said.

“Water users should look for signage which indicates the status of all waterways and lakes in the ACT. Warning signs are located at public access areas.”

The closure means primary and secondary activities – such as swimming, windsurfing, rowing, fishing, boating and canoeing – are prohibited.

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According to City Services, primary activities involve “contact in which the entire body or the face and trunk are frequently immersed or the face is frequently wet by spray”.

Secondary activities involve “incidental conduct” where someone’s limbs may be wet.

The announcement follows another closure late last year, which the Directorate said was because of sewage contamination.

Further information on lake closures and the ACT Government’s water control measures can be found at City Services.

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Wayne Ramsay10:43 pm 07 Feb 25

How does “oil and sewage” from a “private” source get into the lake? Who is responsible for this? I’ll have a guess to as it’s an ACT Government contractor who won’t be named in a cover up again by the ACT Government…. I’m sure their “investigations” will NOT be published. Utter crap again from this inept Government. Appalling.

Nick Stevens11:51 am 08 Feb 25

Nonsense, why would they cover this up to protect a contractor?
I have worked in a Government facility that regularly contracted out work with contractors accountable for any mishap.
I understand that in the ACT, every issue lends itself to political grandstanding.

Finance 6'5" Blue Eyes9:04 pm 06 Feb 25

Considering the lake smells and looks the freshest it has for years, it’s concerning how bad the lake must have previously been if they’re closing in its current condition.

Gregg Heldon5:57 pm 06 Feb 25

As a resident who lives by the lake, we received a flyer in the letterbox on Monday, from the ACT Government, to remind us of our responsibilities about not letting pollutants enter the lake. Then, found out, on social media on Wednesday, that the lake was closed. An ACT Government post was shared.
No signage up, no Government workers telling people to stay away but heaps of people using the beaches near my house.

Capital Retro2:14 pm 06 Feb 25

So much for the millions of dollars spent on “cleaning” the water that flows into it.

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