8 December 2023

ACAT orders Brindabella Christian College to close car park, rip it up

| Ian Bushnell
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The Brindabella Christian College car park today, the day after the term ended. It can’t be used from now on and must be blocked off from the street by next Friday. Photo: Lizzie Waymouth.

Brindabella Christian College has been ordered to lock up its unapproved car park, demolish it and restore the site to its 2009 condition within 12 months unless it can obtain development approval to use the land.

The ACT Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal has issued its orders to enforce a Controlled Activity Order applied for by the Lyneham Community Association in its long-running dispute with the college over the now-sealed car park on public land that it operates as a sub-lease through Transport Canberra and City Services.

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The LCA was forced to go to ACAT after the ACT Planning and Land Authority refused its application for a Controlled Activity Order, which argued that the college had, in effect, privatised the land next to Lyneham Oval and built the car park without development approval.

In a decision last month, ACAT found in the LCA’s favour and set out a range of orders to close the car park.

These went back to the parties – the college, LCA, TCCS and ACTPLA – for an agreed position, but they could not come to one.

When the parties returned to ACAT this week, the college attempted to have the case reopened but was refused.

Senior Member Michael Orlov ordered that from today (8 December), the college must not allow anyone to use the car park either for parking or to drop off and pick up school children (including children attending the early childhood learning centre) before, during or after school hours.

The college must demolish the car park and restore the site to its condition as at 30 June 2009 and will have 12 months to do so from 15 December.

But this is dependent on the college installing by 15 December a temporary fence or locked gate at the car park entrance to restrict vehicles entering from Brigalow Street.

The parties can apply with 21 days’ notice for an order varying the date on which the order for demolition and reinstatement comes into effect or varying the period within which the order must be complied with after it comes into effect.

The college can apply with 21 days’ notice for an order revoking the Controlled Activity Order in the event it obtains development approval for a car park or other approved use, or the development and use of the premises as a car park ceases to be a controlled activity.

ACAT found that the college built and used the 130-space car park without development approval in breach of the sub-lease.

Its November decision said that the verge crossing would also have to be demolished and the kerb and footpath reinstated before the start of the next school term in 2024, but the college has since argued that ACAT could not rule on this because the these were not included in the original application from the LCA.

The LCA did not challenge this, and there is no mention of the kerb and footpath in Mr Olov’s orders.

In November, ACAT said it was satisfied it was “in the public interest” to enforce a controlled activity order prohibiting the use of the land as a car park and drive-through access point.

It is yet to publish its reasons.

The row over the car park on a section of the Lyneham playing fields began in 2009 when it was established informally about the time the college built on its previous car park on school land.

Seven years later, the college sealed the car park.

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Over the years, the LCA has fought a running battle with the college and various government agencies, culminating in the application for the Controlled Activity Order, which could be taken to ACAT for review when the government refused it.

LCA has always argued that the college should not be able to privatise public land that is urban open space, that the car park is unsafe, and that the school’s lack of transport planning contributes to traffic issues around the college and the nearby Lyneham Primary School.

The college and the government have said closing the car park will just turn cars out onto the street and make matters worse.

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BCC legally leased the place in 2009 for 20 years with authorised purpose to build car park. I don’t understand why this simple matter could waste so much man power to fight in court. A bunch of selfish so called “environmentalists “ always thinks about their own comfort and never work out facts and logic. This type of annoying people are everywhere, wasting resources and these actions eventually could cause more harm to the earth

Cherrie ZENG5:58 am 10 Jan 24

There will be more than 1000 cars flooding on streets for parking during school hours every day around that area . So “safe” to the traffic and the local community !!!

Maybe the school should have planned for this before it expanded its enrolments?

And that is exactly what is happening in week one – all the local streets are blocked up with BCC cars, making life hell for local kids and parents. No thought is given to residents, BCC people are oblivious and can focus only on finding free parking and alternative drop-off places.

As the place is neatly sealed, and all that, why not put in paid parking meters, and make some dosh out of it, instead of ripping the ( expensive looking ) place up.

We are so far into debt that a free (courtesy of the College) car park that can be easily changed over to paying, should be welcome.
Our credit card is so far in the red.

Plumbing CTC9:40 am 12 Dec 23

Your logic doesn’t always apply to reality, so do you think the Australian government should return all land to the Aboriginals and then retreat back to Britain? We must consider the real impact! If the parking lot is demolished, hundreds of cars will be on the street and traffic will be blocked, which will be even more dangerous. Besides, this is a school, and the use of these lands is meaningful. It should not be our cost, but our goal, so that more students and parents can enjoy the convenience.

You have a point. The Government has abdicated its responsibility in relation to land management here, and the situation has been exploited by a misbehaving rent seeker (BCC). The remedy is painful, but necessary.

I am astounded that this scandal-ridden organisation thinks it can illegally appropriate millions of dollars of Government land and get away with it. The nerve and sense of entitlement here is off the Richter.

Yep, it’s like some kind of alternate reality. The law of the jungle.

Plumbing CTC4:50 pm 18 Dec 23

Guess what, the British took trillions of dollars of land from Aboriginal Australians and still don’t pay the rent to this day.

And that makes that kind of behaviour OK?!

Barmaleo Barmaley9:33 am 11 Dec 23

It is such a hypocrisy. What we see here. Under pretence of protection of “public” interests, a few LCA members made life of hundreds of BCC students representing all Canberra and surroundings, as well as their parents, harder. Neither the car park closure decision is in interests of locals, as it will bring chaos on the adjacent roads and near Lyneham shops during before-school and after-school times. I wonder whose interests the LCA represents. Couldn’t be that LCA has has some influence from competitors of the BCC college in area of private education? There a few other private colleges in northern part of Canberra which have many times larger land plots comparing to BCC, yet zealots of “public interests” prefer sting to death the college offering the lowest tuition fees.

Canberra Gal7:47 pm 11 Dec 23

They sealed land that was on temporary lease. The BCC Chairman told the school community at Presentation Night 2016 that the school had purchased the land. He’s the one who should be held responsible and the school should purchase the land from the government.
The ACT government has approved massive expansions at the school so they should sell land to the school to service it.

Are you seriously attempting to justify the illegal appropriation of property? Because this has what we have here.

No thought given to catching buses, walking, bikes. Must have free space for BCC cars!

The situation is certainly a major problem, closing the carpark will only create safety & major traffic issues. Cars we be backed up to the traffic lights at the Mouat Street intersection , the Wattle Street round about and all the streets coming off Brigalow St.
The ACT government and planners need to answer this and be accountable. How was BCC allowed to grow to 1200 students if the parking wasn’t approved ??
It would be interesting if any of the LCA members live nearby, have children at Lyneham PS or use the oval.

Why don’t we focus on the key issue, the illegal appropriation of property by an entity that is accountable to no-one.

Come on BCC, what about “Thou shalt not steal”, that land is not yours and you are attempting to nick it. Not a very Christian example now is it? Time for you to give up the fight, go to confession and seek repentance for your sin.

Once publi space is taken it is gone
The college should have been put in the picture that it is a public oval and not theirs ages ago. Their site was once a Catholic primary school amd probably only fit for a pray school

Agree. Why did they put the college on a site that originally was st Michael’s a small catholic primary school..the site would cater for a primary school only.
Once people take public land it is gonr

ChrisinTurner1:27 pm 09 Dec 23

If the College wins this dispute, the precedent established threatens all our public spaces. It will be like the wild west.

Agreed. I can’t believe anyone thinks this sort of behaviour is acceptable in a modern democracy.

True, the Government dropped the ball, and the unscrupulous opportunists grabbed it and ran!

Stephen Saunders9:49 am 09 Dec 23

It’s the SCHOOL that’s continually at war. With the government, the community, its own parents and students. And they’ll keep on getting away with it, and keep on being overfunded, simply because they’re brandishing a christian cross.

Even this ruling, it just kicks the can down the road. Sooner or later, the illegal carpark will be grandfathered. And they’ll get away with it again.

John Pierre Favre2:38 pm 09 Dec 23

Well said!!

I see nothing wrong with a private school moving into a quiet suburb and then grabbing a piece of public parkland and turning it into a carpark because it failed to properly plan facilities in the first place. The LCA should be taught a lesson that money and influence tops their desire for a liveable suburb.

Sadly, I think the LCA knows that all too well already.

KeenGarfener6:15 am 09 Dec 23

As a home owner I have to have a development application approved before I make big changes my land, and I don’t have the right to just build something on my local park. Why should a business have the right to build on public land because they haven’t managed their land to meet their requirements. They should have planned their land use better. This is a slippery slope if they are permitted to keep public land for private use, because others will think its okay to subsume public land too.

Just get people to say theyll vote liberal unless its gets approval.

Likely the childless that opposed the carpark

Perhaps people prefer green space to asphalt? It’s better for the birds, the butterflies, lizards and all the other creatures including us, to have permeable natural surfaces with green vegetation. Kids are safer and healthier if they walk across the grass rather than running between cars.

If the school doesn’t lock the gate against the cars, then someone else should do that and the school can pay for it.

The Lyneham Community Association seems to be a bunch of bee-in-their bonnet busybodies with nothing better to do. How petty. They should go back to their cats and pet goldfish. And take a step back and think “it’s a school. Schools are important. Is my interfering really helping anyone?”

It’s a private, non-secular school. It exists to serve its own interests. Just because some people believe a few words in an old book doesn’t mean they are above the law. Land theft is theft.

Yep, theft. Thou shalt not steal.

The school has a sublease from act government in 2009 for 20 years .

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