28 March 2025

Road closures: Molonglo Bridge pain to come before gain

| Ian Bushnell
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Molonglo Bridge

The Molonglo Bridge construction site this week. The bridge project will be a vital link between Belconnen and South Canberra. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

Molonglo Valley residents will have to negotiate a two to three-week closure of Coppins Crossing Road at the end of April to allow steel girders to be lifted into place at the Molonglo Bridge construction site.

The closure between Holborow Avenue in Denman Prospect and Hazel Hawke Avenue in Whitlam will mean major traffic disruptions for motorists, including a round trip via William Hovell Drive and the Tuggeranong Parkway for Whitlam and Belconnen residents to get to the other Molonglo suburbs and beyond.

Whitlam parents with students at Evelyn Scott School in Denman Prospect will be burning through the juice and needing to make an early start if recent traffic on William Hovell Drive is anything to go by.

The already slow peak runs in and out of Molonglo through several sets of traffic lights could grind to a halt.

Molonglo residents were already bracing for a three-week closure from 27 April to 17 May after seeing these dates on a government website, discussing it on social media and contacting Region.

Some called for specific measures to manage the expected increased traffic out of Molonglo through the Streeton Drive intersection to the Cotter Road and Parkway.

Others lamented that the work could not be done during the school holidays.

Motorists had a recent taste of what’s to come when Coppins Crossing Road was closed for a day on 22 March.

Infrastructure Canberra also announced a traffic switch on 8 April and two one-day closures on Tuesday, 15 April, and Thursday, 17 April.

map of road closures

The Molonglo River Bridge project will construct a new 200-metre-long bridge across the Molonglo Nature Reserve and the region’s longest river. Photo: ACT Government.

On 8 April, north and southbound traffic at the intersection of Sculthorpe Avenue and Coppins Crossing Road will be switched onto a new section of John Gorton Drive to allow construction to continue on the western side of the new Sculthorpe Avenue.

Short traffic delays are expected during the day.

The two one-day closures will occur from 10 am to 3 pm and will enable the safe transfer of the girder transport system across the river from the northern abutment to the southern bridge abutment.

The longer closure, with dates still to be confirmed, will allow the steel girders to be lifted into place safely by a 1600-tonne capacity crane, the largest to ever come to Canberra, with a height of 205 metres – taller than Telstra Tower.

This will only be in place during the northern side girder lifts. The southern side steel girders can be lifted safely without closing Coppins Crossing Road.

If the work cannot be completed in two weeks due to wet weather or other circumstances, the road will remain closed for a third week.

Infrastructure Canberra said that the ACT Government would work to minimise the disruption but urged residents to consider travelling earlier or later to avoid peak times and allow for additional travel time.

All efforts were being made to ensure minimal impact to public transport, but if some detours were required for buses during the closures, more information would be available on the Transport Canberra website closer to the time.

Confusingly, the Infrastructure Canberra release asks motorists to avoid the John Gorton Drive (Cotter Road)-Streeton Drive intersection when it is the only option.

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Convenor of the Molonglo Valley Community Forum Ryan Hemsley said the two-week closure would require significantly more traffic management than during the one-day closure earlier in the month.

“The government also needs to be far more proactive in advertising the closure period once the dates are confirmed,” he said. “Molonglo residents deserve sufficient time to plan their lives around what we expect to be a significant increase in morning and afternoon commute times.”

Mr Hemsley said future closures, if required, should also be planned around periods of lower traffic, such as school holidays.

Some residents have suggested to Infrastructure Canberra that traffic police manage the key intersections, giving priority to traffic going up the hill, better synchronisation of the lights, stopping right-hand turns to the service station offer Cotter Road during the morning peak and temporary lane management to give buses a clear run and ease merging pinch points.

The girder work will be a significant milestone for the Molonglo River Bridge project, which will see the construction of a 200-metre-long bridge across the Molonglo Nature Reserve and river, as well as 1.7 kilometres of new arterial roads leading to the bridge and two new intersections.

The new bridge, roads and intersections will provide access to the future Molonglo Town Centre from the suburb of Whitlam and future northern Molonglo Valley suburbs, as well as a safer and more efficient link from Belconnen to Canberra’s southern suburbs.

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Finance 6'5" Blue Eyes9:51 pm 28 Mar 25

The whole thing is terrible, Cotter Road already cannot handle the traffic from the new western suburbs, and there’s no southbound entrance onto Adelaide Ave to get to Woden.
All this bridge is going to do is get even more north side traffic cutting to the west to get into town and Woden (which as stated before, is already above capacity).

A quick search on Google shows that the first crane of this size was delivered to Australia in November 2023. A second one was bought by a company in Western Australia for delivery in 2024. If these are the only two available in Australia then it’s quite possible that our bridge project in Canberra had to wait until we could get one of these cranes. Unfortunately we have probably been waiting in some sort of queue regardless of how important we think this work is. We could maybe wait until we have a school holiday period that happens to be at the same time as a crane of this size is available to mitigate the disaster facing us on the roads but if we bite the bullet and get it over with then we can move on sooner.

Andrew Denny2:32 pm 28 Mar 25

An Infrastructure Canberra official was interviewed on ABC Drive last night (27/3) and they could not answer how many lanes this bridge will have in each direction. The most basic of questions i would have thought. So, I now have fears that it will be one lane each way and without a dedicated bus lane, or cycle lane of any sort of future-proofing for growth. Mr Helmsley may have a view. It is the GDE all over again. Manifestly inadequate from day one

Finance 6'5" Blue Eyes9:48 pm 28 Mar 25

It still frustrates me to this day that the designer of the GDE got an award for that inadequate and expensive road solution. All these years later and we still only have 1 land to the city from all of South side; absolute joke!
(At least when they did the exact same thing on the Monaro highway at Fishwick it’s only took a couple of years to get the second lane. Still, they should learn from this and go with 2 lanes from the start)

The one day closure was a shocker. Here are my suggestions to mitigate the problems for the two to three week closure (since they have already ignored the most obvious mitigation of doing it in the school holidays). Run extra buses and make them free for the period of the closure. Extend the bus lanes temporarily using traffic cones, so that there is a significant time saving for using the buses relative to cars. With the right incentives enough cars could be taken off the road and it will be manageable for everyone. Also those heading to Woden or Tuggeranong could consider going around the back of Duffy as an alternative route (especially Wright residents) – never tried that route in rush hour so maybe already maxed out.

The route via the back of Duffy is already heavily used but help to take some of the load.

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