“Let’s leave the big dramatic scenes to movie directors – we’re cops!” Rehearsing for Death of An Anarchist. Photos: Supplied.
Canberra might well be on its way to becoming a major hotspot for the performing arts! Starting with a debut performance: Accidental Death of an Anarchist on August 1st, a group of Canberra Academy of Dramatic Arts (CADA) students and graduates have come together to showcase the wealth of artistic talent we have here in our metropolis.

Accidental Death of an Anarchist will run from 1st – 4th August 2018 at 7:30 pm at CADA Theatre, 11 Whyalla St, Fyshwick ACT. Although premised on serious themes like politics and terrorism, Accidental Death of an Anarchist promises to have audiences in stitches while examining the integrity of authorities around the world. It’s based on the 1969 incident in Milan, where a suspected anarchist – who is accused of terrorist attacks – falls to his death from a fourth-story window during a police interrogation. It’s a farcical play about bungling bureaucrats picking on the little guys who are outsmarted by The Maniac (a voice for the working class). His creative tactics expose their incompetence and their bullying (discerning audiences may see some interesting modern correlations…). The play is directed by Canberra-based actor/director Clare Moss.

The performance will be the first of many by the collaboration between a group of Advanced Diploma CADA students and graduates under the Limbo Theatre Company with Honest Puck Theatre. The two theatre powerhouses connected through their mutual love of storytelling and engaging in the serious art of silliness. “We consider ourselves seriously silly,” says Nick Steain – Limbo ensemble member. Nick goes on to say: “We are jokesters, irreverent, and storytellers – but we are serious about what we do. We want to contribute to the Arts community, not only in Canberra but in Australia and the world.”

Highly impressive is the fact that Limbo plans to bridge the gap between study and industry as they join the professional creative arts groups in Canberra. They are set to take centre stage and create their own artistic opportunities. “We’ve established Limbo Theatre Company to bridge the gap between our training and getting work in the industry,” Nick said. “Starting our own company has propelled us to upgrade our skill-set and think outside the ‘acting’ box.”
This startup is also an aversion to setbacks that potential artists encounter. Due to government education reforms such as the introduction of Vet FEE-HELP in late 2016, it has become more difficult for students to access creative arts courses and opportunities. Nick says: “We are being proactive and making stuff happen for ourselves in the hopes that our success will lead to bigger and better creative collaborations in and around Canberra and showcase what can be created when the Arts receives the support it deserves…. We want to work in one of the toughest industries in the world and creating this company was a means for us to do that.”
Honest Puck producer, Elizabeth Avery Scott is happy that Honest Puck is supporting up-and-coming artists and it’s great for them to witness the birth of what is set to be a phenomenal performance by Limbo after providing mentorship, performance and rehearsal space for them.
For enquiries, contact Nick Steain: 0448 910 935, or via email, on: limbotheatrecompany@gmail.com.
Accidental Death of an Anarchist Tickets: $30 Adult, $15 Concession
Tickets on sale atwww.stagecenta.com
Theatre: CADA Theatre, 11 Whyalla St, Fyshwick ACT
Season: 7.30pm, August 1-4, 2018