I recently paid my utilities bills for the quarter, but it seems one of the local utilities has taken a backwards step in the last 3 months. ActewAGL is no longer offering electronic billing, or online billing history for natural gas.
The ActewAGL payment site, epayplus states:
Electronic invoices for natural gas bills will no longer be available.
You will still be able to pay your natural gas bills online when you log into epayplus, but it will no longer be possible to view your invoices online. If you had opted to receive email alerts for natural gas, you will now automatically receive a printed bill by post.
For a company that is striving to greenwash itself in the current environmental climate (as are all electricity and gas companies), it is laughable that they revert to the environmentally backwards paper bills when all their other services can provide electronic billing. In addition I find the billing history a useful method of tracking usage over time, and thus targeting my household for lower (or at least static) usage rates – again another blow for their green credentials. Maybe this is a method by ActewAGL to deter customers from reducing their gas usage? More likely it just shows that ActewAGL is still just Actew + AGL.