There can be few places where angels fear so much to tread as the subject of breastfeeding.
But fresh from declaring their encryption unbeatable this morning the ANU is continuing down the path of nigh insane courage by going to that scariest of places:
“Time demands on exclusively breastfeeding mothers are particularly high. Exclusively breastfeeding mothers spent on average, over 18 hours a week breastfeeding — 6.6 hours longer than mothers who have introduced solids or formula.”
“Mothers who don’t breastfeed exclusively spent almost four hours a week preparing and feeding solid foods or formula, in addition to time they spent breastfeeding.”
The time intensive nature of exclusive breastfeeding may contribute to premature weaning for women who are time-stressed or get little assistance in child rearing.
One can feel from the way they dance around the subject that they’re not entirely crazybrave.