![sally witchalls](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-WOwPQ0YMMQQ/UgBfRVGvtZI/AAAAAAABJjY/4L56OxNEN8U/s600/ButtOutA2PosterWinner2013.jpg)
Chief Minister Gallagher is encouraging the students who joined in her push to get the filthy smokers to stop:
Chief Minister and Minister for Health, Katy Gallagher, has today congratulated all the students who took part in the 2013 Art In, Butt Out awards and has announced Canberra High School year eight student, Sally Witchalls, as the overall winner of this year’s competition.
“It is pleasure to be able to announce the winner of this innovative competition that encourages young people to come up with a creative image to communicate the anti-smoking message,” the Chief Minister said.
“I would like to congratulate the fantastic work of all of the students who took part in this year’s competition and ask these students to become champions among their peers to continue to spread the anti-smoking message.”