Over the last 10 years Canberra has transformed and become something more grown up, more vibrant; but after many conversations with people who travel regularly, I can’t help feeling that something is still missing.
Many friends travel to Sydney or Melbourne for bargain shopping, to get a wedding dress fitted or to buy a new car but all of these things can be done here, and after you factor in travel costs, probably cheaper. So for me the drive for them to travel to shop is more about the experience and less about the economics of the transaction.
There are many things I can’t buy here in Canberra that I can in Sydney or Melbourne, but I just get them online, so unless I need it right now I do it that way.
So my question is really about trying to find out what people travel to other places to obtain and why? Is it the experience of the location? The ability to say something like “I got this in a little shop in Mosman” or just the variety of options available there?