The Good Guys in Fyshwick has been closed following a biosecurity threat. Photo: thegoodguys.com.au.
A small beetle has forced the closure of The Good Guys in Fyshwick and Belconnen.
The Khapra beetle, classified as a high priority pest that poses an unacceptable risk to Australia’s biosecurity, was found in the packaging of a refrigerator imported from Thailand.
The Department of Agriculture said it was managing and investigating several Khapra beetle interceptions in recently imported cargo and containers.
It is unknown how long the stores will be closed.
“All goods associated with the shipments are being traced to identify, contain and eliminate any potential biosecurity risk,” a Department of Agriculture spokesperson said.
“The department is analysing global trade patterns to gain a better understanding as to why these interceptions are taking place, and how non-food goods can become infested. It is likely that Khapra beetle can hitchhike in containers that previously carried high-risk items.”

An adult Khapra beetle. Photo: Department of Agriculture.
The beetle is considered to be one of the world’s most invasive species and its larvae can survive without food for 12-months, making the pest hard to eradicate.
If you think you have found a Khapra beetle:
- Do not disturb the insects (this may be as simple as closing the doors on a shipping container or sealing a silo)
- take a photo
- collect a sample, if it is possible to do so without disturbing the insects.
Importers, businesses and consumers are asked to report anything unusual in their imported goods.
To report a biosecurity concern visit awe.gov.au/report or call the See. Secure. Report hotline on 1800 798 636.