Col McIntyre, of McIntyre Property, says a set of solid principles holds his team in good stead. Photos: Supplied.
The property market is crowded, with competition stiff and many jockeying for position, but that doesn’t phase Col McIntyre one little bit. You see, Col has the courage of his convictions and knows that he and his team operate with a set of solid principles that hold them in good stead.
“McIntyre Property doesn’t necessarily provide different types of services in that we list and sell houses and operate a property management arm,” says Col, the agency’s auctioneer and sales agent. “But we know that at our core is a set of business essentials we’re proud of. We tell the truth, do what we say we’re going to do, always act professionally and stay on top of the industry and pricing.”
Col was in real estate for nearly a decade before he took the plunge and opened McIntyre Property in 2007. He carved out a career in the industry after spending more than eight years working as a butcher in Wagga, then in New Zealand for one and a half years and in Canberra for another two.
“When in butchery in New Zealand, I had a client who was in real estate and got to know him quite well,” says Col. “I realised that we both operated with the same approach, including a strong focus on customer service. I got to thinking that I should give real estate a go. I did and have never looked back.”
After working for other real estate companies, including here in Canberra, Col once more got to thinking.
‘By that stage my wife Jo and I had four kids and a mortgage,” he says. “Rather than work longer and longer hours, we decided to start our own business. We didn’t quite solve the longer hours bit, but the benefits are there and, once again, I’ve never looked back.”

Col McIntyre holds multiple awards, including Sales Agent of the Year, a title he has won more than once.
Going from butchery to real estate is one thing. Jo came at the industry after working as a dental hygienist for more than 12 years. Being the agency’s Managing Director is definitely a change from looking after teeth, but Jo thrives on being involved with property management accounts and settlements at McIntyre.
Today, the McIntyre Property team has more than 20 sales agents and property managers. The company has picked up several awards along the way, from the Real Estate Industry ACT, and stretching back as far as the first year Col swung the doors open for business. Accolades over the past three years alone include “Property Management Team of the Year 2018”, “Sales Agent of the Year 2017” (Col McIntyre), “Sales Agent of the Year 2016” (Col McIntyre), “Rookie of the Year 2016” and “Medium Residential Agency of the Year 2015”.
While the general services McIntyre Property offers may be typical of the industry, there are important service attributes that make the company stand out in the field.
For vendors, one important difference is the company structure and way of selling.
“We believe one agent needs to be solely in charge of selling a property,” says Col. “They work hard to bring the listing in and are the ones who know the owner and the property the best. They see the sale through to the end, no matter where the lead comes from in our office. This eliminates unhealthy competitiveness among our own agents, and the anxiety that comes with that. It also means the focus is always on getting the vendor the best price since the listing agent isn’t having to deal with a colleague who is trying to get his or her a buyer a lower price.”

Even as a young real estate agent, Col McIntyre has always been dedicated to clients.
On the property management side, Col is fiercely protective of making sure owners and renters are also well taken care of. Instead of being in charge of both sales and property management teams, Col has put in place a full-time manager who handles the rentals team while he focuses on the sales team.
“Property management is hectic and it never stops,” says Col. “You need dedication, passion and experience because you have two sets of clients—owners and renters. They both have expectations since they’re both paying for the property in their own way.”
The McIntyre Property team are proud members of their community. This is far from token – it’s a philosophy deeply embedded in the organisation’s culture.
“We run our business like we were located in a small rural town, supporting the community we make our money from,” says Col. “We support more than 40 schools, clubs, sports organisations, not-for-profits and events. It’s a fabulous way to get to know mums, dads and other community members. We believe it makes us a better business.”
McIntyre Property has three offices, covering South Canberra, Tuggeranong and North Canberra. “Our entire team are trained to put people first and properties second,” says Col.
You can reach Col McIntyre on 0417 263 678 (Mobile) or via email: col.mcintyre@mcintyreproperty.com.au