Taking a browse through Budget Paper 2 we find:
For the Hospital:
The Government will contribute $5.0 million to the Australian Capital Territory in 2014-15 towards the development of a dedicated service for children within the Emergency Department of the Canberra Hospital. This will help streamline and better coordinate paediatric emergency and inpatient services for around 15,000 children per year.
The ACT Government will contribute the remaining establishment costs and fund the recurrent resourcing requirements for this initiative.
Chump change for a footpath up to Parliament House:
The Government will provide $0.1 million in 2012-13 to the ACT Government, as a contribution toward the cost of constructing the Parliament House Walk between the Civic Centre and Parliament House in Canberra.
The cost of this measure will be met by redirecting funding from the Parliament House Walk — feasibility study measure announced in the 2012-13 Budget.
And that’s it.
The price of safe Labor seats. Enjoy your public service savings!
Anything take your notice dear reader?