Mayor Rattenbury has announced that the demands of the Great Civic Cycle Loop will require Civic’s Bunda Street to become a “shared space” which is probably for the best as it’s a lousy street right now.
Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, today announced that Canberra City’s Bunda Street will become an innovative ‘shared space’ for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.
The redesign of Bunda Street will form part of the Civic Cycle Loop project, a 3.2 kilometre path that loops around the City and connects to existing paths that lead into the City.
“Three highly qualified and experienced urban design specialists participated in a design competition for the Bunda Street section of the Civic Cycle Loop. Following extensive stakeholder and community consultation, as well as technical analysis of all three designs, I have decided GTA Consultants will progress the design of a ‘shared space’ project on Bunda Street,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“This kind of shared space is an innovation for Canberra, but one that will improve and enliven the city. It takes urban design principles from successful low speed urban environments overseas, especially in vibrant and walkable European cities. This type of design can work well in our growing city environment, especially helping to support a growing walking and cycling population.
“For the most part, pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles will share Bunda Street with equal priority, but the design will also include some raised pedestrian crossings where pedestrians have priority. The design also proposes creative pavement treatments to make Bunda Street feel less like a conventional road and to increase safety for all road users.