At 1.15pm yesterday I was driving along the new overbridge on Piallago Avenue at the airport and noticed that they had about half a dozen sprinkers on watering the new baby shoots along the bridge’s new embankment.
Not only were the sprinklers in use at the heat of the day, which I think would be around 37C, but half the sprinklers were spraying water all over the road!
Whilst the decision to water may come from ACT Government, remember the deviation is partly funded by Canberra Airport and they make a claim to be Australia’s greenest airport!
Firstly, not only do they use sprinklers in the heat of the day, but half of Brindabella Business Park is carpark –open carparks for that matter, and the buildings are four or five stories high! Surely, their claim of being green cannot be limited to energy efficient light globes, window awnings, and trees in between carparks! It would be comparing it to buying a diet-coke to go with your Big Mac meal.