12 February 2025

ACT Government rules a new 50-metre pool is 'unfeasible' for Woden

| James Coleman
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Phillip pool

The 50-metre pool is all but dead in the water. Photo: Geocon.

The ACT Government has effectively hammered the last nail in the coffin for Phillip’s 50-metre outdoor pool.

In December last year, independent Member for Murrumbidgee Fiona Carrick moved a motion in the ACT Legislative Assembly asking for the government to show its workings on why it was considering a 25-metre replacement.

The site’s owner, Geocon, currently has a DA to build two 13-storey residential towers on the site of the Phillip Swimming and Ice-Skating Centre. The new aquatic centre, which will be located on the ground floor, will feature a 25-metre, eight-lane lap pool.

Ms Carrick’s motion demanded the government provide the evidence for “how a 25-metre pool best meets the demand of the future population … forecast to live in the 5 km catchment” surrounding the town centre, as well as the funding model for its operation.

It also wanted the government to “provide a list of other sites … that are suitable for an aquatic centre, including a 50-metre pool”.

Advocates like Ms Carrick have argued the Woden town centre’s catchment is vast, stretching into parts of Tuggeranong, Weston Creek and the Molonglo Valley.

But in its response, handed down during the first sitting week of the year for the Legislative Assembly, the government began by noting plenty of other “aquatic and leisure facilities” within 5 km can help shoulder this demand.

These include Kingswim in Deakin, Manuka Pool, the Stromlo Leisure Centre and the Active Leisure Centre in Erindale, as well as the proposed Commonwealth Park Aquatic Centre.

“It is considered investigating the Woden District in isolation is more accurate of the likely catchment,” the paper reads.

Group of protestors with blue t-shirts

Fiona Carrick (second from left) is also a member of the local lobby group Save Phillip Pool. Photo: Save Phillip Pool, Facebook.

According to population projections from Treasury, the Woden District is expected to reach about 56,600 people in 2060, with the largest increase in those aged 45 years and under.

“The requirement to provide an indoor facility … will provide for a modern aquatic facility that will service a range of users, in all weather conditions and all year round.

“The greater focus on toddler/leisure and learn-to-swim facilities, in particular, will help service the growing demographic of younger families and children.”

The government also referred to a report by Royal Life Saving Australia in 2022 that found the ACT is the only jurisdiction in Australia where “all residents are located within a 20-minute drive of a publicly accessible aquatic facility”.

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During an earlier consultation period, the government acknowledged that the “community appreciated the Phillip Pool” and that “specific concerns were raised regarding the potential closure and lack of replacement public swimming facilities”.

“The Woden District Strategy was subsequently amended to note that a publicly accessible swimming pool will be retained to service the community.”

However, “numerous planning studies” ultimately showed that 50-metre pools are “generally only feasible and/or financially viable where there is a dedicated population catchment of 70,000 to 100,000 people”.

“Some of these inter-jurisdictional studies also highlight the significant additional capital cost associated with the construction of a 50-metre pool over a 25-metre pool, and that the maintenance and operational costs are exponentially higher.”

building render

The proposed entrance to Geocon’s new ‘Phillip Aquatic Centre’. Photo: Geocon.

The government also said that in accordance with the usual Crown lease arrangement, the building manager will be responsible for “maintenance and any operating losses”.

“For this site, the Crown lease requires the lessee to keep the swimming pool open to the public, as agreed with by the Territory,” it wrote.

“The Territory will consider reasonable hours of operation that will provide the community with access to the facility and also allow for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on the facility.”

“Management of programs and services” will also rest with the building manager.

If all else failed, Ms Carrick had suggested that a patch of green space in Eddison Park could house a new 50-metre pool, but the government all but ruled this out in its response.

“At this time, no detailed planning or design has been undertaken by the ACT Government to identify other sites in central Woden that may be suitable for an aquatic centre, including a 50-metre pool,” it read.

“The ACT Government will work with landholders in the district on the provision of sports and recreational facilities as the district continues to grow.”

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Checkout the Labor stooges supporting the corrupt, lying ACT grubberment. Excuses like no one uses it. How would they know when they haven’t been there? There has been plenty of people there many times when I have gone. Ony used for 3 months of the year? Try 6.

Not feasible? Ok let’s get rid of the tram and buses, they don’t make money, but they are there for the convenience of taxpayers. Oh, it’s a private pool, it was actually built by the Federal government at the time in the early 70s and if this government had any sense, which it obviously doesn’t, it would support local community facilities like this pool that provides many health and fitness benefits for the local population.

I don’t like the pool or don’t use it so let’s get rid of it. Do you apply that rubbish to everything in this town? What a selfish, self indulgent, sad lot you people are.

Richard Smith4:37 pm 13 Feb 25

Can I ask, what happens in the pool from say late April to late November????? Is it a good place for winter ducks, maybe a lost flamingo? Outdoor pools in Canberra are great……. In summer…. If you wanted it to stay you should of made it economically viable… Did you go .. did you have a swim in August? Probably not…

That pool has been there for years, along with the ice rink. Now Geocon, the unoficial Govt of the ACT, wants to build exactly where they said they wouldnt and Barr also said the couldnt, well they cn and they will.

Incidental Tourist10:25 am 13 Feb 25

The good news are that Woden residents eventually will be able to ride tram to Gunghalin pool, if it will still be open by then.

Ah thats makes all better , good get out of jail card

Margaret Freemantle6:20 pm 12 Feb 25

It seems to me, that the ACT govt is happy to be mediocre – what a pity they don’t strive for excellence – near enough is not good enough – keep fighting for the 50 metre pool!

Everyone on the southside gets discounted services. Not only did Northside get a tram but several community parties and an urban renewal authority to try and fix the mess left by the tram.

The unsuitability and unfeasibility of a 50m pool, or any other pool on this site should have been called out years ago, rather than the government pussy footing around with all of those Nimby and community groups harping on about times past. Another rundown pool in another city that is rarely used sitting on prime land for goodness sake. Also sitting on a major public transport hub.

I say rip it up and build much needed housing close to employment, transport and major shopping precincts.

Nick Stevens3:53 pm 12 Feb 25

Well it diverts their mind off the tram.

Of course Jack,
community facilities and amenities near where people live are so old hat.

I mean they have a shopping centre and everything, what more could you ask for.

that’s ok just means more bored children hanging out on the streets or in the mall. Boredom equals trouble.

Really, the Deakin pool is an alternative facility to a 50m pool at Phillip?? Alternative to a backyard toddler wading pool perhaps. I used to go there to do lap swimming before they “redeveloped” it – can’t do that now.

This doesn’t make sense, Mr Barr wants everyone to live in apartments ( with limited parking) close to their work and shops so they don’t need a car. I guess he thinks people won’t need to use the pool to exercise as they will already be doing enough walking. When it was announced that Geocon was going to manage Phillip pool we all could see what Geocon would do. And Geocon will be able to set the entry fee – so much for a public facility.

Mr Barr does want everyone in apartments, his words two years ago,”I want the ACT more like Sydney” of course taxes & levy’s have nothing to do with it.

I’m confused. A 50 metre pool isn’t considered feasible because of a (relative) smallish population and there are other facilities within 5km.

If that is to be accepted, then the opposite must apply as well, and the population within a 5km radius of the site, must be included in the number of prospective patrons at a Phillip pool. A 50 metre pool offers vastly more options for use than a 25 metre one. Even Barr should be able to see that.

Also taking logic further, will the Civic pool be a 25 metre one to replace what is currently there?

GrumpyGrandpa11:45 am 12 Feb 25

The answer is fairly simple;
With the government’s 70/30 policy, development is all about apartments. Most of those larger apartment complexes have their own pool.
Our son lives in an apartment, and as his guest, we swim in that pool too.
Sure, not everyone lives in apartment complex with a pool or has family who do, however, with the government’s 70/30 there no longer is suburb after suburb, dependent on one large public pool.

GrumpyGrandpa, I’m not lucky enough to live in a block of units but if you live in one can I drop around for a swim.

if the 15 minute city/digital gulag was about people’s health and wellbeing, a 50 metre pool would have had more of a chance

Another example of the indifference & contempt Labor has shown to the Woden community.
50m pool gorn along with basketball stadium, lawn bowls & pitch & put.

also YMCA and tennis courts, gym

Gregg Heldon8:37 am 12 Feb 25

The Government has ruled anything else because Geocon told them to. And because they don’t want to build and operate a public facility like a pool.

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