ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr (right) joins Canberra Innovation Network CEO Petr Adamek to celebrate the opening of a new facility late last year. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
There’s a new headquarters in town for small businesses striving to make a name for themselves and, so far, innovators from all over the nation’s capital have jumped at the opportunity.
Created to bridge the gap between fresh start-ups and established companies, Canberra Innovation Network’s (CBRIN) Level 4 ScaleUp Hub is the latest addition to the organisation’s office in Moore Street.
Co-located across 1600 purpose-built square metres, the highly collaborative hub on Level 4 is designed to support locally based scale-ups – fledgling businesses that have either raised capital or have growing revenue that allows for significant customer growth and rapid job creation.
Residents will, in essence, be able to grow and run their entire operation from the site.
CBRIN celebrated the opening of the $3.1 million facility last November, launched officially with great fervour by ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr.
“CBRIN’s journey of growth [and] its support for Canberra’s innovation ecosystem really does tell a story about the evolution of Canberra’s economy,” Mr Barr said.
“Yes, we will always be the centre of public administration in Australia, and that is a core reason for this city’s existence … But off that very sound economic base, that has seen this jurisdiction be the only state or territory in Australia to record three decades of continuous economic growth, we can build an incredibly strong knowledge and innovation economy.
“CBRIN is at the heart of that, supporting start-ups [and] now scale-ups, looking at ways to continue to invest in our city’s greatest strength. And that is the talent, skills and entrepreneurship of our people.”

Identity management company Modern 42 is one of many recent additions to the hub. Photo: Modern 42, CBRIN.
Resident entrepreneurs and SMEs for Level 4 are spread across a range of industries, including health, cybersecurity, software and digital innovation.
They are expected to actively collaborate, focus strongly on innovation and sustainability, and strive to benefit Canberra’s community in some way. The facility has already reached 60 per cent occupancy.
“This is an exciting time for all collaborators and innovators in the Canberra community,” CBRIN CEO Petr Adamek said.
”This kind of infrastructure offers a curated environment for companies who are perhaps past the start-up stage but still getting established.
“The scaling-up stage is still risky and these businesses are still vulnerable.
“They will benefit from our support, including networking events, acceleration programs, and engagement with industry experts, mentors, students, investors and researchers.”
The hub features 21 offices, two boardrooms, four meeting rooms and four phone booths.
Level 4 also includes two large event spaces, which have already hosted CBRIN’s most recent Female Founders and Billion Dollar Panel events. The organisation has plans to run its February First Wednesday Connect there, too – quite the undertaking, considering each session attracts upwards of 200 guests.
“These companies are really doing great things,” Mr Adamek said.
“For example, we have GPN Vaccines, who are working to develop a vaccine against [pneumococcus]; Modern 42, who deliver identity and access management; and MCi Carbon, who are turning captured CO2 into construction materials.
“Scale-ups like these are really at the forefront of modern innovation and are invaluable contributors to Canberra’s entrepreneurial landscape. It is our job – and our pleasure – to accommodate them.”
To learn more about the Level 4 ScaleUp Hub, or apply for residency, contact the team at Canberra Innovation Network.